The DB2 interface library

The DB2® library contains five operators used to access DB2 databases.

  • The db2read operator sets up a connection to a DB2 server, sends it a query, and converts the resulting two-dimensional array (the DB2 result set) to a data set. This operator allows you to read an existing DB2 table or to explicitly query the DB2 database.
  • The db2write and db2load operator write data to DB2.
  • The db2upsert operator updates DB2 table records with data contained in an InfoSphere® DataStage® data set.
  • The db2part operator allows an operator to partition an input data set just as DB2 does.
  • With the db2lookup operator, you can perform a join between one or more DB2 tables and an InfoSphere DataStage data set.

All DB2 operators support real time integration, and jobs using them can be deployed as services.