Searching, exploring, analyzing relationships, and driving insights

In this tutorial, you will learn how to search for data, explore details of assets, analyze relationships between assets and drive insights from your data.


The goal of this tutorial is to understand the data in your catalog and gain meaning from it.


This tutorial is targeted at business users and data scientists who are responsible for gaining insights from the data of an enterprise and for developing trust and confidence in such data.

Expected results

After completing this tutorial, you will know how to:
  • Search for assets in the catalog to better understand their meaning in the context of the enterprise.
  • Browse the catalog and explore details about assets to see the details of the assets, such as implementation, relationships with other assets, and more.
  • View data lineage to discover the origin of data, and its flow through the assets in the catalog.
  • Use queries to find and list assets, their properties, and their relationships.