CSV file format to import information asset values

You can create a comma-separated value (CSV) file to import or to change property and custom attribute values of information assets.


The following syntax rules govern how to correctly define values. The CSV file must contain values for assets of only one asset type.
Tip: To ensure the correct syntax, go to the Browse page of the asset type that you want to export. Select all assets on the page so that the CSV export file contains a full amount of context, properties, and custom attributes. Click Export Asset Values, and then save the CSV file to your local disk. Use that export CSV file as a guide to syntax.
Note: Assets imported by using a CSV file are case-sensitive. It means that for example Business Labels number and NUMBER are treated as two distinct labels, not one.

Asset type begin and end
The first row must contain the name of asset type. For example, +++ Database Table - begin +++.
The last row must contain the name of asset type. For example, +++ Database Table - end +++.

Columns and column headings
The second row contains the column headings. Column headings are required. They are case-sensitive.
The first three columns must be in this sequence:
  • Name of the asset. A value in this field is required if asset ID is not provided. Do not use the following special characters in the name: comma (,), double quotation mark ("), open square bracket ([), single quotation mark (').
  • Context. A value in this field is required if asset ID is not provided. The context varies according to asset type. Put each asset type of the context in separate columns.

    For example, the context of a database table might be: Context of database asset. Use these column headers: Host, Database, and Database Schema.

  • Asset ID. The asset ID is required when you skip name and context. Specify name, context and asset ID to improve import performance.
The following columns are optional and can be in any sequence:
  • Implements Rules
  • Governed by Rules
  • Short Description
  • Long Description
  • Labels
  • Stewards for stewards or steward groups.
  • Assigned to Terms
Custom attributes. Put the name of each custom attribute in its own column header. Custom attributes must follow any optional columns.

Multiple values for a property
If a property has multiple values, type the values in this format:
  • Use a semicolon (;) between the values. Put brackets ([ ]) before the first value and after the last value.
  • The following examples use correct syntax for a custom attribute with multiple values:
    • ["red, white, blue"; "red, white"; "red, blue"; "white, blue"]
    • [yes; no; "n/a"]
    • [Day count basis; Deferred fees; Final maturity date]

Special characters and language support
A comma (,) is the only accepted delimiter between columns.
Quotation marks
Quotation marks are required around the entire text if the text includes non-alphanumeric characters, such as mathematical symbols or commas. For example, "red, white, blue".
If quotation marks occur in the text, you must use double quotation marks twice. For example, if you want white from the preceding example to be enclosed in quotation marks, specify "red, ""white"", blue". If you want blue to be enclosed in quotation marks, specify "red, white, ""blue""".
The single quotation mark (') is not valid and the row is ignored during import.
Language support
The import file must be in UTF-8 or in ANSI encoding to be compatible with all languages.
You can type the values and their descriptions in any language.
Rows that begin with #REMARK are treated as comments and are ignored.