Browsing the catalog

You can browse to find all asset types and their assets that are in the catalog.

Before you begin

You must have the Information Governance Catalog Basic User role or higher to browse the catalog.

You must have the Information Governance Catalog Information Asset Administrator role to see what information asset types are not displayed.

You must have the Information Governance Catalog Glossary Author role, and either the Editor or Publisher workflow role to browse the development glossary.

About this task

When you browse, you display a list or a hierarchical tree of catalog content. The hierarchical format helps you to better understand the meaning of the asset and its relationships with other assets.

You can narrow the type of content that you view at one time by choosing to browse a particular type of asset. You can also browse by label or by steward. New asset types that you registered in the catalog are shown in the Browse All window. Assets of these new types have their own Details page.

The following assets have graphical views of their relationships:
  • information governance policies
  • information governance rules
  • database columns
  • data rules
  • terms with Has A / Is Of, Has Types / Is A Type Of, Synonyms and Related Terms relationship types
Each graphical view contains a relationship graph which depicts the relationships that an asset has. You can view the relationship graphs in the Details window of each supported asset.

If the catalog administrator chose to hide selected information asset types, those asset types are not displayed in search, query, filter, and browse lists. Glossary asset types are always displayed. If the search, query, filter, and browse results are not what you expect, you can check the list of information asset types for display.

If the catalog administrator chose to display glossary assets in specific languages, only glossary assets that are in those languages are shown in query, filter, and browse lists. The hierarchical tree format uses language preferences to determine what assets are shown in the display. If a glossary asset is not shown based on language preferences, then its child assets are also not shown. For example, term Tree has the Language field defined as English. A child term of Tree is Abfallend, which has the Language field defined as German. A child term of Abfallend is Oak, whose Language field is defined as English. If the content of the glossary assets is defined as English, the term Abfallend and its child term Oak are not shown.


  1. If workflow is enabled, click either Glossary Development or Catalog, depending on the catalog that you want to browse. Otherwise, click Catalog.
  2. Click a menu item in the menu bar that corresponds to what you need to do. The choices that are available to you depend on your security role and whether you have a workflow role.
    Option Description
    To browse any type of glossary asset
    1. Click Glossary.
    2. In the left pane, select the asset type that you want to browse.
    To display a list of glossary assets in different workflow states
    1. Click Glossary Development.
    2. Click Glossary.
    3. In the Develop list, select the workflow state of assets that you want to see.
    To browse any type of information asset
    1. Click Information Assets.
    2. Click Browse All, and then expand the asset type that you want to browse. Alternatively, in the Browse Hierarchy pane, click the asset type that you want to browse.
    To display a list of all assets that have a particular label Click Labels, and then select a label from the list.
    To display a list of all assets that have a particular steward
    1. Click Information Assets.
    2. Click Browse All.
    3. In the Browse All window, expand Glossary and Governance.
    4. Click Stewards.
    5. Select a steward from the list, and then expand Managed Assets.
  3. If workflow is enabled, and you are an authorized user, you can switch between Catalog and Glossary Development from the asset level. Complete the following steps:
    1. On the details page of an asset, click menu.
    2. Depending on which context you are currently in, select View in Glossary Development or View in Catalog.

    The authorized users have a workflow role assigned, and have either the Information Governance Catalog Glossary Author role, or the Information Governance Catalog Glossary Administrator role. Additionally, the user must have development glossary permissions for a specific glossary asset.

    Note: Switching context is supported for terms, categories, information governance rules and information governance policies.
  4. Optional: To see what asset types are not displayed, do these steps:
    1. Click Administration.
    2. Expand Setup.
    3. Click Information Asset Type Display. Check which asset types are selected or cleared.
  5. Optional: To see what languages you can search, query, filter, and browse glossary assets in, click the Language Settings icon Language Settings icon in the top menu bar.