Complex Flat File stage

The Complex Flat File (CFF) stage is a file stage. You can use the stage to read a file or write to a file, but you cannot use the same stage to do both.

As a source, the CFF stage can have multiple output links and a single reject link. You can read data from one or more complex flat files, including MVS™ data sets with QSAM and VSAM files. You can also read data from files that contain multiple record types. The source data can contain one or more of the following clauses:
Note: Although the CFF stage supports OCCURS DEPENDING ON clauses on read, it does not completely support them on write.
CFF source stages run in parallel mode when they are used to read multiple files, but you can configure the stage to run sequentially if it is reading only one file with a single reader.

As a target, the CFF stage can have a single input link and a single reject link. You can write data to one or more complex flat files. You cannot write to MVS data sets or to files that contain multiple record types.

Figure 1. This job has a Complex Flat File source stage with a single reject link, and a Complex Flat File target stage with a single reject link.
This job has a Complex Flat File source stage with a single reject link, and a Complex Flat File target stage with a single reject link.