Upgrading XA configurations

When you upgrade from Version 7 Release 1 or earlier, if you have a Gateway daemon configuration using XA support, you must change the configuration settings.

Analyze your existing configuration to determine the upgrade steps required

  1. Determine whether or not you are using XA support by checking the xasupport parameter in the Gateway daemon configuration file.
    • If xasupport=off, or if the configuration file does not contain the xasupport parameter, no upgrade steps are needed and the CICS® Transaction Gateway will work as it did before the upgrade.
    • If xasupport=on, you are using XA and you must follow the upgrade steps.
    You can also check the Gateway daemon log for message CTG6737I which indicates that XA support is enabled.
  2. Analyze the configuration to determine if the Gateway daemon is part of a Gateway group by looking for the CTG_RRMNAME and CTG_MASTER_RRMNAME environment variables in the STDENV DD card of the JCL for the CTGBATCH job step. Older configurations might have set the same environment variables in a ctgenvvar script that is located on the HFS. You can also check the Gateway daemon log for message CTG9214I which indicates that the Gateway daemon is part of a Gateway group.
    • The Gateway is not configured to be part of a Gateway group if CTG_RRMNAME is specified and CTG_MASTER_RRMNAME is not specified.
    • The Gateway is configured to part of a Gateway group if both CTG_RRMNAME and CTG_MASTER_RRMNAME are specified. All Gateways that share the same CTG_MASTER_RRMNAME are in the same Gateway group.

Concept Concept


Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 2 March 2017
