ECI resource adapter deployment parameters

The available deployment parameters for the ECI resource adapter and their effect on the final deployed resource adapter. The tools used to configure these parameters are server-specific. The default value is shown where appropriate. Parameters are optional unless indicated as required.

In local mode, this parameter sets the APPLID used by EXCI and IPIC for CICS® connections. In remote mode, this field is used to identify the client connection to the Gateway daemon.
In local mode, this parameter sets the APPLID QUALIFIER used by EXCI and IPIC for CICS connections. In remote mode, this field is used to identify the client connection to the Gateway daemon.
The URL of the CICS Transaction Gateway instance with which the resource adapter will communicate. The URL takes the form protocol://address. This parameter is required. These protocols are supported:
  • tcp
  • ssl
  • local
So, for example, in remote mode you might specify a URL of tcp:// In local mode specify local:.
Start of changeinterceptPluginEnd of change
Start of change The class name of an intercept plug-in that can be used to test JEE components without a running CICS Transaction Gateway or CICS Transaction Server. For more information see Integration testing JEE components using an intercept plug-in.End of change
The port on which the Gateway daemon is listening. The default value for TCP/IP is 2006. This parameter is not relevant if you are running in local mode.
The name of the CICS server to connect to for all interactions through this resource adapter. In remote mode, this name must be defined in the CICS Transaction Gateway configuration file. If this parameter is left blank, the default CICS server is used; For more information see PRODUCT section of the configuration file. To use multiple servers within an environment, you must deploy several Connection Factories, each with a different serverName attribute. Each Connection Factory can use the same Resource Adapter. For an IPIC connection in local mode, this field specifies the server details as a URL: protocol://hostname:port.
When connecting to a Gateway daemon in remote mode, this value is the maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the Java Client application allows for the socket to connect successfully.

When a Java Client application is running in local mode and communicating with a CICS server using the IPIC protocol, this value is the maximum amount of time that is allowed for the socket connection to CICS to happen successfully. If the Java Client application is using a protocol other than IPIC to communicate with the CICS server in local mode this value is ignored.

The default value of zero means that no timeout is applied when applicable.

The name of the CICS transaction under which you want all programs started by the resource adapter to run. The called program runs under a mirror transaction, but is linked to under the tranName transaction name. This name is available to the called program for querying the transaction ID.

Setting the tranName in the ECIInteractionSpec overrides the value as set at deployment (or on the ManagedConnectionFactory, if nonmanaged).

The tranName is equivalent to eci_transid. It does not affect the transaction under which the mirror program runs, but it can be seen in the exec interface block (EIB). When this option is used, the remote program runs under the default mirror transaction id CSMI, but the EIBTRNID field contains the eci_transid value.

The name of the CICS TPN Transaction under which you want all programs started by the resource adapter to run. tPNName takes precedence if both tranName and tPNName are specified. If the tPNName is set on the ECIInteractionSpec, this setting overrides any values set at deployment time (or on the ManagedConnectionFactory, if nonmanaged).

The tPNName is equivalent to eci_tpn; it specifies a transaction under which the CICS mirror program runs. This option is like the TRANSID option in an EXEC CICS LINK command. A transaction definition in CICS for this TRANSID must point to the DFHMIRS program.

The CICS user ID to be used if no other security credentials are available.
The password for the CICS user ID specified in the userName parameter.
The fully qualified name of the ClientSecurity class to use in each interaction with CICS. This parameter is optional; if no value is given, no ClientSecurity class is used. If a ClientSecurity class is specified, an equivalent ServerSecurity class must be specified on the serverSecurity parameter. For more information about the use of ClientSecurity classes and how to write them, see CICS Transaction Gateway security classes.
The fully qualified name of the ServerSecurity class to use in each interaction with CICS. This parameter is optional; if no value is given, no ServerSecurity class is used. If a ServerSecurity class is specified, an equivalent ClientSecurity class must be specified on the clientSecurity parameter. For more information about the use of ServerSecurity classes and how to write them, see CICS Transaction Gateway security classes.
The fully qualified name of the SSL keystore to use. The use of this field depends on the type of connection from the resource adapter. If the resource adapter is making an IPIC connection directly to CICS (local mode), then keyRingClass is the name associated with the IPIC connection. If the resource adapter is using a remote mode SSL connection to a Gateway daemon, then keyRingClass is the name associated with the SSL connection.
Start of changeWhen the ECI resource adapter is deployed in a JEE application server running on IBM® z/OS®, an External Security Manager (ESM) keystore can be used instead of a Java keystore (.jks) file. Specify ESM:<keystore name> in the keyRingClass parameter. For information on configuring an ESM keystore, see Using RACF key rings.End of change
The password for the keystore defined in keyRingClass.
Start of changeA password is not required when using an ESM keystore.End of change
The level of trace to be output by the resource adapter. For more details on trace levels and tracing see JEE tracing.
Toggle that provides an option to choose either XCT or Trackingtoken. When trackingToken field is false and if XCT is enabled then, CICS TG would allow XCT Tokens to flow through CICS TG and to CICS TS, instead of trackingTokens. If the field trackingToken is true, CICS TG would generate a trackingToken and make it available to requestExits based on the condition that stakeHolderIdentifier is registered with CICS TG or not. If XCT is not enabled and trackingToken field is false, then it will be the normal behaviour. Default value of the field trackingToken is false.
The cipherSuites parameter can be used when establishing an SSL connection. In the WebSphere® Administration console, change the cipherSuites custom property for the connection factory to a comma-separated list of the cipher suites that this connection factory is restricted to use.
A list of fully qualified request monitoring exit class names delimited from each other by commas (","). Each class must implement the interface and be on the class path. For more information about the use of RequestExit classes and how to write them, see Java request monitoring user exits.
In local mode, this parameter sets the maximum number of simultaneous transactions, or CICS tasks, that are allowed over the connection. The actual number of send sessions used is determined by the connection factory property, or the IPCONN RECEIVECOUNT parameter in CICS Transaction Server for IBM z/OS, whichever is lower.
In local mode, this parameter sets the time in seconds that an IPIC connection must be inactive before heartbeats are sent to the CICS server. Enter a value in the range 1 to 3600, or 0 to disable IPIC heartbeats.
When using this connection, the transaction type to be used. If this is set to off, LocalTransactions are used. If this is set to on, XATransactions are used. If this is set to none, NoTransaction is used.

Predefined attributes

In addition to the user-definable properties, the ECI resource adapter has a set of predefined attributes that each deployed resource adapter inherits. These properties are defined in the JEE/CA specification and are as follows:

Reauthentication support
The cicseci resource adapter supports reauthentication. Reauthentication is the ability to change the security credentials when a connection is requested from the server and an already existing one is allocated without having to disconnect and reconnect to the EIS. Reauthentication improves performance.
The ECI resource adapter has a set of predefined attributes that each deployed resource adapter inherits when in local mode connecting over IPIC. These attributes cannot be defined by the user.
Send TCP KeepAlive packets
Periodically send keepalive messages to the server to check the connection.
Server Idle Timeout
Inactive connections to a CICS server are disconnected after 60 minutes.
Server retry interval
Server retry interval is disabled for local mode IPIC connections. Connection attempts are only initiated if a request is directed at the CICS server and no connection attempt is already in progress.

Information Information


Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 2 March 2017