Configuring the IPIC connection on CICS

To complete this task you use an editor to add a parameter to the startup JCL, you then edit the IPCONN autoinstall user program DFHISCIP, you then use a CEDA command to configure the TCPIPService definition and the IPCONN template definition.

  1. Define the system initialization parameter for the key ring by adding the following system initialization parameter to the startup JCL:
  2. Configure an IPCONN autoinstall user program DFHISCIP:
    1. Modify the sample IPCONN autoinstall program to enable the autoinstall of multiple secure IPCONNs.

      CICS® provides the IPCONN autoinstall sample program DFHISxIP in Assembler, C, COBOL, and PL/I , where x is the program language (A, D, C or P). The sample program does not use a template by default, so if you want autoinstall requests to use a template you must update the program. In this example, the COBOL user program DFHISCIP is updated.

    2. Add the following lines to DFHISCIP to ensure that, when a request arrives from a Java™ Client with an APPLID beginning with SSL, the correct IPCONN template is used to install an IPCONN with the required SSL settings. If the APPLID starts SSLxxxxx use the SSLIDP template.
      IF ISAIC-APPLID(1:3) = 'SSL'                
             MOVE 'SSLIDP  ' TO ISAIC-TEMPLATE         
             PERFORM X000-FINIS. 
    3. Compile and link-edit your program into a data set that can be picked up by your CICS server.
  3. Configure a TCP/IP service:
    1. Create the following TCPIPService definition:
      CEDA  View TCpipservice( SSL51190 )                                 
       TCpipservice   : SSL51190                                          
       GROup          : SSLGROUP                                          
       DEScription    : IPIC LISTENER                                     
       Urm            : DFHISCIP                                          
       POrtnumber     : 51190              1-65535                        
       STatus         : Open               Open | Closed                  
       PROtocol       : IPic               IIop | Http | Eci | User | IPic
       TRansaction    : CISS                                              
       Backlog        : 00010              0-32767                        
       TSqprefix      :                                                   
       Host           : ANY                                               
       (Mixed Case)   :                                                   
       Ipaddress      : ANY                                               
       SOcketclose    : No                 No | 0-240000 (HHMMSS)         
       Maxdatalen     :                    3-524288                       
       SSl            : Clientauth         Yes | No | Clientauth      
       CErtificate    :                                                           
       (Mixed Case)                                                               
       PRIvacy        : Supported  |Notsupported | Required | Supported    
       CIphers        : 050435363738392F303132330A1613100D0915120F0C03060201      
       AUthenticate   :            | No | Basic | Certificate | AUTORegister
                                   | AUTOMatic | ASserted                 
       Realm          :                                                           
       (Mixed Case)                                                               
       ATtachsec      :                    Local | Verify                             
    2. Ensure that the SSl parameter is set to Clientauth so that client authentication is performed on the connection.
  4. Configure an IPCONN template:
    1. Create the following IPCONN definition:
      CEDA  View Ipconn( SSLIDP   )                     
       Ipconn         : SSLIDP                          
       Group          : SSLGROUP                        
       DEScription    :                                 
      IPIC CONNECTION IDENTIFIERS                       
       APplid         : SSLIDP                          
       Networkid      :                                 
       Host           :                                 
       (Mixed Case)   :                                 
       Port           : No                 No | 1-65535 
       Tcpipservice   : SSL51190                        
      IPIC CONNECTION PROPERTIES                        
       Receivecount   : 100                1-999        
       SENdcount      : 000                0-999        
       Queuelimit     : No                 No | 0-9999  
       Maxqtime       : No                 No | 0-9999  
      OPERATIONAL PROPERTIES                            
       AUtoconnect    : No                 No | Yes     
      INservice       : Yes                Yes | No                                
       SSl            : Yes                No | Yes                                
       CErtificate    : CTG PERSONAL CERT               (Mixed Case)
       CIphers        : 050435363738392F303132330A1613100D0915120F0C03060201       
       Linkauth       : Certuser           Secuser | Certuser                      
       SECurityname   :                                                            
       Userauth       : Identify     Local | Identify | Verify | Defaultuser 
       IDprop         : Notallowed   Notallowed | Optional | Required        
       Xlnaction      : Keep               Keep | Force      
    2. Use CEDA to install the TCPIPService and the IPConn definitions.

You have now configured the IPIC connection on CICS.