ctgd command reference

You can use the ctgd command on on UNIX and Linux® to start CICS® Transaction Gateway as a background task.

The command ctgd start creates log file /var/cicscli/ctgd.log.

The syntax is:
ctgd {start|stop}
The ctgd command uses a configuration file to define environment variables that are used when starting the Gateway daemon and Client daemon processes. The default location and name for the ctgd configuration file is /var/cicscli/ctgd.conf. Use the environment variable CTGDCONF to specify an alternative configuration file for ctgd. If the ctgd.conf configuration file does not exist, the ctgd command will use default values.
Table 1. ctgd configuration file variables
Parameter Description
CTGD_USER Run the CICS TG as user $CTGD_USER. If you do not define this variable, CICS TG runs under the user who started ctgd. At system startup this is root. An error will be generated if the ctgd command cannot change to this user.
CTGD_GROUP Run the CICS TG as group $CTGD_GROUP. If you do not define this variable, CICS TG runs under the primary group of the user who started ctgd. An error will be generated if the ctgd command cannot change this group.
CTGD_ADMINPORT TCP port which listens for local administration requests from ctgadmin. If not specified, the adminport parameter specified in the configuration file ctg.ini is used. If the adminport parameter is not defined in the configuration file, the default value is 2810.
CTGD_PARAMS Specify Gateway daemon startup override options. For more information about the ctgstart options, see ctgstart command reference. Any ctgstart option can be specified, except the -adminport override. To specify a custom administration port, use the CTGD_ADMINPORT variable. When specifying multiple options, separate them with a space and enclose the entire CTGD_PARAMS value in quotation marks. A sample ctgd configuration file is installed as <install_path>/samples/configuration/ctgdsamp.conf.

You can also set any environment variables in the ctgd.conf file. For more information, see Environment variables reference.