Modifying the core configuration file

The festival.xml file is the core configuration file in IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS - Web Access (DWA). Modify the entries for f:broker, f:repository-mapping, and f:properties to match your broker, repository, and license server setup.


  1. The festival.xml file has three f:broker entries that describe where the broker is. Edit these entries to point to the URL of the system where you installed the broker with the default port (61616).
    If the broker is on the same system as the DWA server, you do not need to edit these entries.
    <!-- Brokers we know about -->
  2. The f:repository-mapping entry defines the URN of the repository.
    1. The name attribute is the name that is displayed on the DWA logon page. You can change this attribute. The default is DOORS ERS Repository.
    2. The repositoryUrn attribute must match the uniform resource name (URN) of the IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS (DOORS) database server you identified in Identifying the database uniform resource name. You must change this attribute.
    <!-- Mapping from Repository IDs to the broker we use to reach the repository -->
             name="DOORS ERS Repository"
             repositoryUrn="urn:rational:ers-46dd5d7806b96973:" />
  3. You must change the f:properties section of the file.
    1. Required if a license server has not been configured by other means, such as the Windows registry: Enter the location of the license server. Update the value in this line:
        <f:property name="licence.server.location" value="19353@localhost"/>
      This location is added to the list of license locations that are held on your system.
    2. Optional: You can set up DWA to display the URL of the current module in the interface. To display the URLs, change value="false" to value="true" in this line:
       <f:property name="display.redirector.urls" value="false"/>
    3. Optional: If the DOORS database uses corporate LDAP for user authentication, you must add a line to remove the Change Password option from the Welcome screen. Add this line:
       <f:property name="change.password.enabled" value="false"/>
    4. Required: Set ForceHttpsForAuthenticationForOAuth to false:
       <f:property name="ForceHttpsForAuthenticationForOAuth" value="false" />
      Note: If Tomcat is configured to use SSL, set ForceHttpsForAuthenticationForOAuth to true.
    5. Optional: To protect against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) security attacks, set disable.csrf.token to false. Add this line:
       <f:property name="disable.csrf.token" value="false"/>
    6. Optional: To improve performance when only DOORS client licenses are used, set use.doors.client.license.only to true. In this case, the application does not check for DWA Reviewer and Editor licenses. The default value for this setting is false, which causes the application to check for all license types. Add this line:
       <f:property name="use.doors.client.license.only" value="true"/>
    7. Optional: To modify the truncation limit for the number of characters in an object title as reported by an OSLC link, set the value of dcterms.title.truncation.limit in the festival.xml file. By default, the OSLC field dcterms:title is truncated to 100 characters when a DOORS object is referenced by an external OSLC link. The remaining characters in the title are replaced by an ellipsis (...). You can either set this value to 0 to remove truncation completely, or modify the value as needed. This setting controls the truncation limit for all object titles in all OSLC integrations. To set the value to zero, add this line:
       <f:property name="dcterms.title.truncation.limit" value="0"/>
    8. The property affects reporting services that use the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process. The value true causes the Translation Layer Reportable Rest output to fail if an error occurs when data is received from DWA. The failure makes it easier for the calling application to detect and troubleshoot any ETL problems.
       <f:property name="" value="true" />
  4. Save and close the file.