Command-line switches for the Rational DOORS client

You can use command-line switches to override the registry settings when the Rational® DOORS® client starts.

For a list of Rational DOORS database server command-line switches, see Command-line switches for the database server.

Table 1. Rational DOORS client command-line switches
Switch (abbreviation) Parameter Description
-addins (-a) addins_folders One or more paths to the folders that contain your DXL add-ins files.

Use semicolons (;) to separate the entries, with no spaces after the semicolons. Paths can be local paths, conventional drive mappings, or UNC (universal naming convention) paths.

-attributeaddins (-A) dxl_attributes_folders One or more paths to the folders that contain the programs that you can use for DXL attributes.

Use semicolons (;) to separate the entries, with no spaces after the semicolons. Paths can be local paths, conventional drive mappings, or UNC (universal naming convention) paths.

-batch (-b) dxl_program Runs Rational DOORS in batch mode. Rational DOORS starts without the GUI (it suppresses the login screen and the database explorer), runs the specified DXL program, and then stops.

In batch mode you normally need other switches like -user, -password and -project to log in and specify the current project.

The parameter of the -batch switch specifies the file that contains the DXL program that you want to run in batch mode.

For example:
C:\> doors -b dxl_programs\batch_analysis.dxl -p Car -u "Jill" 
-caching (-k)   Enables streaming for the transfer of data between the database server and the client. This option can improve data transfer performance over a WAN.
While data is loading, it is cached to the localdata area in the client machine, which might pose a security risk. The data is cleared when loading is complete.
-certName card_name:cert Identifies the label of the certificate that is used to identify the client during secure authentication.

If you are using the pkcs#11 standard, the card_name is identified by -pkcs11token, and cert is the name of the certificate your system is using. For example: "Crescendo C700:certOne".

-cli (-C) dxl_string or "#include <dxl_program> DXL code that runs when Rational DOORS starts, before the splash screen is displayed. The parameter is either:
  • A DXL code fragment
  • A hash include statement that specifies the path to a DXL program
-data (-d) port@server Specifies which Rational DOORS database to use.

The parameter specifies the port that the server is using and the name of the server computer (for example, 36677@myserver).

-defopenmode (-o) Either




Sets the edit mode that formal modules are opened in when you double-click them in the database explorer.

The parameter is READ_WRITE for exclusive edit mode and READ_WRITE_SHARED for shareable edit mode.

Note: this parameter must be uppercase, unless you use the single letter abbreviations (r, w and s).
-defopenlinkmode (-O) Either:




Sets the edit mode that formal modules are opened in as the result of following a link.

The parameter is READ_WRITE for exclusive edit mode and READ_WRITE_SHARED for shareable edit mode.

Note: This parameter must be uppercase, unless you use the single letter abbreviations (r, w and s).
-dxl (-D) dxl_string or "#include <dxl_program>" DXL that runs immediately after Rational DOORS starts. The parameter is either:
  • A DXL code fragment
  • A hash include statement that specifies the path to a DXL program
-home (-H) doors_home The Rational DOORS home directory, including the full path to the folder that Rational DOORS is installed into.
-certdb folder_name Identifies the folder that contains the key database files that contain the keys for the Rational Directory Server and Rational DOORS SSL.

The default is DOORS\9.5\certdb\.

If you want to put the key database files for Rational DOORS SSL in a separate folder, use the -keyDB switch. The -keyDB switch takes precedence over -certdb.

-keyDB filename The full path to the key database file that contains the keys that are used for Rational DOORS SSL authentication and validation, including the file name.

The default is DOORS\9.5\certdb\client_authentication.kdb.

This switch takes precedence over -certdb. You can specify a location for the Rational Directory Server key database folder using -certdb and specify a separate location for the Rational DOORS SSL key database file using -keyDB.

-layoutaddins (-L) layout_dxl_folders One or more paths for layout DXL folders.

Use semicolons (;) to separate entries, with no spaces after the semicolons. Paths can be local paths, conventional drive mappings, or UNC (universal naming convention) paths.

-localdata (-f) folder_name A folder in the local computer used for temporary storage of data copied from the Rational DOORS database server.
-logfile (-l) full_file_name The full name of the log file for the interoperation server, for example C:\temp\Interop.log.

When you use this parameter in the command-line, the system records any reported DXL errors to a file instead of showing the errors on the screen.

When you use this parameter in the registry, the system takes the information that is recorded in the Windows event log and records it in the log file and in the application log, where the records have DOORS_DB_SERVER in the Source field.

Use this parameter with -logLevel.

-logLevel integer The amount of information to include in the log file.

Use this parameter with -logfile.

-logxconfig (-X) full_file_name The full name of the log4cxx configuration file, for example C:\Logs\Client\logging-config-client.xml. Log4cxx is a framework for logging application messages.
When you use this parameter in the command line or the registry, the client records application messages in the specified configuration file. Six levels of message are logged.
  • INFO, including ACK, CONFIRM, and QUERY
-notriggers (-T)   Turns off triggers. You must be either a database manager or a custom user who has the power to manage the database to turn off triggers
-password (-P) password The password for the session.
-pkcs11driver driver If you are using the pkcs#11 standard, this switch identifies the name of the driver for the card reader, for example c:\windows\system32\aetpkssw.dll.

Use this switch when you are using smart cards based on public key infrastructure (PKI) authentication to log in to Rational DOORS.

-pkcs11token card_name If you are using the pkcs#11 standard, this switch identifies the type of smart card the system is using, for example "Crescendo C700".
-project (-p) project_name The name of the project that you want to open at the start of the session. The contents of the project are displayed in the right pane of the database explorer.

If you use the -batch switch, the parameter specifies the current project.

-projectaddins (-J) project_addins_ folders One or more paths for project DXL add-ins directories.

Use semicolons (;) to separate entries in the list, with no spaces after the semicolons. Paths can be local paths, conventional drive mappings, or UNC (universal naming convention) paths.

-user (-u) username The user name of the user for the session.
-W nowait When you are running a batch process, and there are any errors or printed output, they are sent to a command window. Rational DOORS continues to run until the command window is closed.

Using -W as part of the command line when running a batch process closes any command windows automatically and stops Rational DOORS.
