Repository tools command to restore Jazz Foundation Service indexes from a backup file

Use the restoreJFSIndexes command to restore resource description framework (RDF), text indices, and work item indices from a .zip file.

Note: This command is not supported in a cluster environment.


The restoreJFSIndexes command can be used to restore Jazz Foundation Service indexes that was previously backed up to a .zip file by using the backupJFSIndexes. command. You can restore an index file that it has been backed up in the past 90 days. Backup files older than 90 days cannot be restored.
Important: You must shut down the server before you run the command.


Attribute Description Required Default The file system path to the file. No conf/application/

where application is jts, ccm, rm, qm, gc, dcc, or relm.

noPrompt Do not prompt before restoring the index files. No N/A
fromFile Path to the .zip file Yes none


The following example is for Jazz Team Server. To use this command for other applications, run these options from the server directory:
  • IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (Change and Configuration Management application): repotools-ccm
  • IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next (Requirements Management application): repotools-rm
  • IBM Engineering Test Management (Quality Management application): repotools-qm
  • Global Configuration Management: repotools-gc
  • Data Collection Component: repotools-dcc
  • IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights: repotools-relm

For Windows
operating system Open a command prompt and enter this command:

cd C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\
repotools-jts.bat -restoreJFSIndexes fromFile=C:\Temp\

For Unix
operating systems Open a command line and enter this command:

cd opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server
./ -restoreJFSIndexes fromFile=opt/temp/