Establishing cross-server communication

Use the server administration interface to establish cross-server communication between Jazz technology platform products that are registered with separate Jazz® Team Servers. You can then associate project areas and team members can link artifacts in applications on friend servers.

Before you begin

Use this procedure to add the location information for each Jazz application, create a provisional OAuth consumer key, and send a request to the friend application.
Note: When Jazz Security Architecture single sign-on (SSO) authentication is enabled and the friend applications are registered with the same Jazz Authorization Server, use this procedure only to add the location information for each Jazz application. In such a deployment, instead of using OAuth consumer keys, the friend relationship is established by using the OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication protocol. OIDC authentication is simpler than OAuth authentication because no OAuth consumer key is involved and therefore, no approval of a provisional consumer key is required.


  1. Log in to the Jazz server by using an account that has Jazz Administrator privileges. Typical URLs for some Jazz technology platform products are:
    • IBM® Engineering Workflow Management: https://host-name:9443/ccm/admin.
    • IBM Engineering Test Management: https://host-name:9443/qm/admin.
    • Jazz Team Server and IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next: https://host-name:9443/jts/admin.
    • IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights: https://host-name:9443/relm/admin.
  2. On the Server Administration page, click the Server tab.
  3. If the friend application is registered with a different Jazz Team Server than the current application, do the following steps to add the server to each other whitelist.
    1. In the Communication section, click Whitelist (Outbound).
    2. In the Enter Base URL field, enter the base URL of the fiend application server that you want to link to, followed by a /.
      For example, URL for Jazz technology platform product is:


    3. Click Add.
    4. Repeat the Step a to c in the friend applications to add the current server to their application whitelist.
  4. In the Communication section of the source application, click Friends (Outbound).
  5. At the Friends List, click Add. The Add Friend window opens.
  6. In the Name field, enter a name to identify the friend application; for example: RM Server or QM Server.
  7. At the Root Services URI field, enter the URI for the application. Typical Root Services URIs for Jazz technology platform products are:
    • Jazz Team Server: https://host-name:9443/jts/rootservices.
    • Engineering Workflow Management: https://host-name:9443/ccm/rootservices.
    • Engineering Test Management: https://host-name:9443/qm/rootservices.
    • DOORS Next: https://host-name:9443/rm/rootservices
    • IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS : https://host-name:9443/dwa/rootservices
    • Engineering Insights: https://host-name:9443/relm/rootservices
  8. Optional: In the OAuth Secret and Re-type Secret fields, enter an OAuth secret code phrase to associate with the new OAuth consumer key. This string can contain one or more words and special characters, and cannot exceed 50 characters. This string is never displayed in the user interface, and you do not enter this string again. This string, also called an OAuth consumer secret, acts as a password to access the friend server.
    Note: These fields are displayed only if you are configuring OAuth friends. If one or both of the friend applications have Jazz Security Architecture SSO enabled and are registered with the same Jazz Authorization Server, the fields are not displayed.
  9. Optional: Select the Trusted check box.
    • This check box is displayed only if you are configuring OAuth friends. If one or both of the friend applications have Jazz Security Architecture SSO enabled and are registered with the same Jazz Authorization Server, this check box is not displayed.
    • Trusted consumers can share authorization with other trusted consumers and do not require user approval to access data.
  10. Click Create Friend. A confirmation message opens. Click Next to continue.
  11. Optional: Create a provisional OAuth consumer key.
    Note: If one or both of the friend applications have Jazz Security Architecture SSO enabled and are registered with the same Jazz Authorization Server, these fields are not displayed.
    1. Click the link Grant access for the provisional key. If you do not have administrator permissions on the targeted application server, work with a member of that administrator group to get approval for provisional OAuth consumer keys.
    2. In the Authorize Provisional Key window, click Approve and Finish.
    3. On the Server tab, select the Consumers (Inbound) page.
    4. In the Authorized Keys list, click Edit Consumer icon in the Actions column at the authorized key for the application you just added.
    5. In the Edit Consumer Key Properties window, click Select User and enter the user ID for the authorized administrative user.
    6. Click Finish.
  12. Optional: To verify that the friends list is configured correctly, you can enter the following URLs:
    • https://host-name:9443/jts/friends
    • https://host-name:9443/ccm/friends
    • https://host-name:9443/qm/friends
    • https://host-name:9443/dm/friends
    • https://host-name:9443/relm/friends

    An XML document opens with an entry that is similar to the following example. The entries vary depending on which friends are added.

     <jd:rootServices rdf:resource="https://host-name:9443/rqm/rootservices"/>
     <jd:rootServices rdf:resource="https://host-name:9443/rdm/rootservices"/>

What to do next

If you did not complete the access approval in step 10.a., you can now approve access requests. When access is approved, you can link between project areas.