Repository tools command to dump Global Configuration Management components, configurations, and user-defined queries

Use the dumpArtifacts command to write global components, configurations, and user-defined queries into the server file system. Then, search the command output for data spills.


  • Generates searchable versions of global configurations, components, and user-defined queries. You can then search for occurrences of sensitive data.
  • Provides a list of artifact dump jobs that were initiated since the last time the server was restarted.
This command is not intended to retrieve data about GCM artifacts for other purposes, such as reporting or importing.
This task adds significant load to the server and can take a long time to run. If you close the shell or window before the command finishes:
  • If the server is not restarted, you can see the status and output of the job.
  • If the server is restarted, assume that the job did not finish. The system deletes the command output.
Note: This command applies only to the GCM application. You cannot run it against other IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management applications, for example, repotools-jts, repotools-rm, and so on.
To avoid overloading the server, the default maximum number of concurrent dump artifacts operations is set to 3. If there are already 3 dump jobs running, the command displays the following error:
Too many concurrent dump jobs are running. Try again later.

You can configure the maximum number of concurrent dump jobs in the server's Advanced Properties section, under DumpFrontService.maxConcurrentDumps.


Attribute Description Required Default
adminUserId, adminPassword The user ID and password of a team member that has JazzAdmin permissions for the repository.

To get a list of all the jobs that were initiated since the last server restart, specify these parameters and omit the others in this table.

Yes N/A
dumpDirectory Include this parameter to dump the artifacts: specify an absolute path to a directory or parent directory on the server.

Example: If you specify dumpDirectory=C:\GCM-DUMP\dump1, either C:\GCM-DUMP\dump1 must exist, or C:\GCM-DUMP must exist and the system creates directory dump1.

Omit this parameter to list the dump jobs that were initiated since the last server restart.

No N/A
projectArea Name of a GCM project area whose artifacts you want to search for data spills.

Omit this parameter to dump the artifacts of all the GCM project areas on the server.

No N/A

Example: Dump artifacts

Dump all the GCM artifacts for either one project area or all project areas into a directory on the server.

For Windows
operating system Open a command prompt and enter this command:

cd C:\JazzInstallDir\server
repotools-gc.bat -dumpArtifacts adminUserId=userId adminPassword=password dumpDirectory=C:\dumpDirectory [projectArea=projectAreaName]

For Unix
operating systems Open a command line and enter this command:

cd JazzInstallDir/server
./ -dumpArtifacts adminUserId=userId adminPassword=password dumpDirectory=dumpDirectory [projectArea=projectAreaName]

After you run this command, search the output files for data spills or occurrences of sensitive data. Then, a team member assigned the GCM Administrator role can use the Scrub commands in the GCM application to delete sensitive information from those configurations and components, or delete user-defined queries that contain any sensitive data. See the related topics for details.

Example: List dump jobs

Show details of the dump jobs that were initiated since the last server restart: start and finish times, duration, status, project area (if provided), and location of the output files.

For Windows
operating system Open a command prompt and enter this command:

cd C:\JazzInstallDir\server
repotools-gc.bat -dumpArtifacts adminUserId=userId adminPassword=password

For Unix
operating systems Open a command line and enter this command:

cd JazzInstallDir/server
./ -dumpArtifacts adminUserId=userId adminPassword=password