My Work view

Use this view to triage new work items assigned to you, manage work items in progress, and manage work items that you plan to resolve in a future iteration.

The view includes the following sections:

  • Inbox: Contains work items that are new to the My Work view. To keep your work plan up to date, triage work items from this section to the Current Work and Future Work sections.
  • Current Work: Use to manage the work items that are assigned to you in the current iteration. Modify work items and arrange them in order of planned completion. To assign a time estimate to a work item, click the Time icon and select an entry, such as 2 hours or 3 days. The Work Load indicator shows the ratio of total hours that are available in the iteration compared to the estimated hours for completing your work items. Adjust the priority, estimated duration, due date, and severity of the work item. You can drag work items to rank them. This section shows work items in the in-progress state.
  • Future Work: Use to view the open work items that are not included in the current iteration, and the closed work items that are planned for a future iteration. The Unassigned group in this section lists the work items that are not planned for an iteration.
You can add more sections, including Events, News, Queries, and Recent Work, by using the View menu View menu icon.