Resolving a corrupt database error

Every six hours a backup mechanism in Report Builder verifies that the Jena TDB database can be read, and creates a backup copy. If the database cannot be read, an error occurs. Here is how administrators can resolve the problem.


The database error is recorded in the rs.log file. The message lists the URLs of the artifacts that cannot be read. The database backup is not created, and the previous backup is left intact.

On the Report Builder pages, and on the administration page you see this message:
CRRGW6026E The Report Builder TDB database appears to be corrupt. Please contact your administrator.


  1. Shut down the Report Builder server.
  2. Rename the JTS_install_dir/server/conf/rs/db directory to keep a copy until you verify the backup.
  3. Rename the JTS_install_dir/server/conf/rs/db_backup directory to JTS_install_dir/server/conf/rs/db.
  4. Restart the Report Builder server. It immediately verifies the database and creates a backup.
  5. Verify the backup to ensure that the reports are listed and new reports can be created.
    Note: If you created or modified any reports after the last backup was saved, you must do it again.
  6. If Report Builder works correctly with the backup data, delete the old database directory that you renamed in step 2.