ClearQuest Bridge limitations and known problems

This release of the ClearQuest Bridge contains several limitations and known problems.

  • You must be running IBM® Rational® ClearQuest® 7.1.2.x or later to use the ClearQuest Bridge in IBM Engineering Workflow Management ( EWM( - formerly Rational Team Concert) versions 3.0 and later.
  • If you attempt to link to a ClearQuest record that does not have the ClearQuest OSLCLinks package applied to it, an error window appears indicating that the back link cannot be saved. You have the option to save the work item without saving the back link. See the ClearQuest documentation for information about applying the OSLCLinks package to your schema.
  • If you link to a ClearQuest record in a ClearQuest MultiSite deployment and the record is not at the mastering site, then the link is created in the work item but the back link is not created in the record. To resolve the issue, be sure to link to a record at the mastering site.
  • Errors can occur if the Jazz® Team Server and the ClearQuest Web server are hosted on different computers and their system clocks are not synchronized. For example, the following error can occur when you attempt to create a link between a Rational ClearQuest user database and a project area:

    Unable to load URL: /rtc/proxy?uri=http://myserver/cqweb/oslc/repo/MyRepo/discovery, Status: 500

    If this error occurs, check the Team Server log at C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\logs\rtc.log for the presence of the following message:

    2010-07-08 17:04:56,218 [http-9443-Processor15] ERROR net.jazz.ajax.service.internal.http.ProxyHandler - HttpException while processing OAuth information:
    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    WWW-Authenticate:OAuth realm="7.0.0", oauth_acceptable_timestamps="1278618756-1278619356", oauth_problem="timestamp_refused"
    Date:Thu, 08 Jul 2010 19:57:35 GMT
    Server:WebSphere Application Server/6.1
    To resolve the issue, synchronize the two system clocks.
  • In some cases, hovering over ClearQuest Bridge links in EWM does not provide any information, and attempting to add or delete links in ClearQuest records fails with an error similar to this:

    Could not save work item. Problem deleting the back link in SAMPL00000056: <TITLE>:. The URI "http://myserver/cqweb/oslc/repo/myrepo/db/mydb/record/16778973-33554488?"; cannot be the target of a request, as it is not a trusted friend.

    Verify that cross-server communication is configured properly between your ClearQuest Web server and Jazz Team Server, ensuring that you use the correct public URI root for the ClearQuest Web server. See Configuring the ClearQuest Bridge for instructions.

    Note that displaying rich hover text over links is supported only in the Jazz web client and ClearQuest web client interfaces.

  • You must be using ClearQuest v7.1.2.1 or later to add ClearQuest widgets to the dashboard.
  • There are several known limitations with ClearQuest widgets on the dashboard:
    • Each widget requires a separate log on to the ClearQuest user database.
    • Display of rich hover text over links is not supported.
  • Configuring communication with ClearQuest Web server to use SSL is highly recommended because a user’s password is sent in unencrypted text format when the user logs on. Rational ClearQuest versions 7.1.2 and support SSL only on port 12443. In ClearQuest v7.1.2.2, SSL is supported on the default port 443. Using SSL on the default port is recommended for ClearQuest versions and later.

    Note that rich hover text does not function when port 12443 is used.

  • You can associate Jazz change sets and ClearQuest records that link by using the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) specification. This capability is supported only in ClearQuest v7.1.2.1 and later. You receive an error if you try to open records that contain change set links in versions of ClearQuest earlier than See the web client help on associating change requests with change sets for details.
  • Problems can occur when attempting to use ClearQuest Web server as an OSLC provider in a load-balanced deployment. An error similar to this might display:

    403 token_not_authorized

    The reason for the error is that ClearQuest Web server is not designed to function as an OSLC provider in a load-balanced environment.

    To resolve the issue, use a ClearQuest discovery URL that is not configured for load balancing when you configure the ClearQuest Web server as an OSLC provider. The discovery URL can reference an application server that is included in a load balanced configuration. However, the URL must allow requests to bypass load balancing and be directed to a specific application server.


    Consider a load-balanced ClearQuest Web server named lbserver that is used to distribute requests to application servers appserver1 and appserver2. Instead of using the discovery URL https://lbserver/cqweb/oslc/repo/dbset/discovery, you must specify a discovery URL that references one of the application servers. For example:


    where port is the WebSphere® Application Server secure port, usually 12443 or 9443.

  • A new security feature in ClearQuest Web to protect against Cross-Frame Scripting (XFS) might restrict HTML content from displaying correctly. ClearQuest Web provides a security check to prevent HTML content from being displayed on untrusted hosts. Some OSLC integrations might not work properly with this security feature enabled.

    Following is a list of known issues related to the ClearQuest Web Cross-Frame Scripting security behavior:

    • After upgrading ClearQuest Web, existing integrations with other OSLC service providers might not work properly. The reason is that by default, ClearQuest Web permits display of HTML content only on hosts that are configured as authorized OAuth consumers or that have linked OSLC projects. To resolve the issue, update your server configuration files by following the instructions in Technote 1584532.
    • If you have desktop applications that connect to ClearQuest Web as an OSLC consumer, then you might need to make some configuration changes to continue to use these integrations. See Technote 1587046 for details.
    • Secure OSLC content does not display in an unsecure consumer frame. No content is displayed when attempting to retrieve secure ClearQuest data (https connection) from an unsecure OSLC consumer (http connection). Similarly, no content is displayed when attempting to retrieve unsecure ClearQuest data (http connection) from a secure OSLC consumer (https connection). This is because ClearQuest Web behavior follows the HTTP 1.1 security guidelines for browsers, described in section 15.1.3, Encoding sensitive information in URIs, of the specification. See Technote 1586892 for details.