Running scripts on remote lab resources

You must be integrated with external provider applications that have automation capability (for example, IBM® Rational® Build Forge®), to run scripts, projects, or libraries that are configured in the external provider applications on remote lab resources that are available in the external systems.


To run scripts, projects, or libraries on remote lab resources:

  1. In the main menu, click Lab Management > Browse > Automations. The Browse Automations editor opens.
  2. In the Available Automations to Run section, select the script to run.
  3. To edit the script parameters, click the Edit icon (Edit). The Properties window opens and displays all the script properties. Edit the properties as needed and then click OK.
  4. In the Available Machines for Automations section, select the lab resource on which to run the script.
  5. At the top of the Automations section, click the Run icon (Run).
  6. If there are parameters that are available for execution, the Properties window opens. Edit the properties as needed, and click OK.


In the Running Automations section, the following information is displayed:
  • Scripts that are currently running
  • Scripts that have completed
  • Summary information about the scripts, for example the start and end times, and the current state of the script (running, completed, or waiting)
  • Results for scripts that are completed (pass, fail, or error)
There is a link to the lab resource where the script was run and a link to the log of the run.
Note: The automation provider system must be available, so that the log can be retrieved from it.