Locking resources

You can lock resources in a stream to prevent other users from delivering changes to the file in that stream.

About this task

Locking a file is useful when you are modifying a file type that would be difficult to merge if someone else made concurrent changes; for example, images or spreadsheets. In the Navigator view, a resource that is locked is displayed with an image of a lock on its icon and a message that states who locked it and the streams in which it is locked. Only you can modify a file that you have locked.


  1. In the Navigator view, select a resource or resources that you want to lock.
  2. Right-click on the resource and click Team > Lock.
  3. In the Lock Resources window, select the stream that you want to lock the resources in and click OK.
    • If the stream that you want to lock the resources in is not listed, click Add. Use the Select a Stream window to identify the stream.
      Note: You can lock a resource in a stream in which it does not exist. This lock goes into effect for that resource in that stream when the resource is added to that stream.
    • To remove a stream from the Lock Resources window, select it and click Remove.

What to do next

To unlock a resource, select it and right-click; in the menu, click Team > Unlock. A resource can be unlocked by the user who locked the resource or by a member of the JazzAdmins repository group.

To transfer a locked resource to another user, select it from the Search view, right-click and in the menu, click Transfer. In the Select Users window, type the name (or part of the name) of the user that you want to transfer the lock to and click Search. Select a user or users from the list of returns and click Select. Click OK to transfer the lock.

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