Security considerations for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management

You can take actions to ensure that your installation is secure, you comply with the privacy policy, you customize your security settings, and set up user access controls. You can also ensure that you know about any security limitations that you might encounter with this application.

Enabling secure communication between multiple applications

The following article provides an overview of how to set up multiple instances of Rational® Team Concert™ by using WebSphere® Application Server network deployment. The article also provides instructions for installing an SSL certificate on each profile to provide secure access for the Rational Team Concert application. Although the article is written for Rational Team Concert, it applies to other applications in the CLM environment.

Enabling security during installation

If you are installing Jazz™ Team Server and other Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) applications on z/OS®, several tasks are required to make the CLM functions secure and available on z/OS.

Several WebSphere Application Server security settings, such as administrative security, application security, and securing cookies must be enabled before deploying CLM applications. For more information, see Setting up WebSphere Application Server.

To be compliant with U.S. government Special Publications SP800-131 standards that is used to accredit cryptographic modules, you must configure your servers, clients, and browsers. For detailed information, see Support for National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-131.

Auditing the security infrastructure

You can use the Auditing Facility to report and track auditable events to ensure the integrity of your system in a WebSphere Application Server environment. For more information, see the WebSphere Application Server documentation.

Ports, protocols, and services

You can add a reverse proxy to your server to provide an additional layer of security.
You can import your WebSphere Application Server certificate into the HTTP server plug-in.
If you do not want to use the default port numbers, you can change them.

Customizing security settings

Configuring security certificates:

Setting up user roles and access

Managing users on IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile

To understand the authentication mechanism that Jazz Team Server uses, see this article: TN0013: Jazz Team Server Authentication Explained

Privacy policy considerations

Depending on the configurations that are deployed, this software offering might use cookies that can help enable you to collect personally identifiable information. For information about this offering’s use of cookies see the Notices topic.

To secure LTPA cookies, you can enable the Requires SSL setting in the WebSphere Application Server Console. For more information, see Setting up WebSphere Application Server

The Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM), collects and processes only basic personal information for each user:
  • user name
  • email address
  • picture
This information is stored in the user profile. To view, modify, and remove personal information from the profile page, go to User Profile > View My Profile and Licenses in the menu.

By design, CLM does not process any special categories of personal data (data revealing health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, biometrics, sexual orientation, etc.).

Deleting sensitive data

You can remove sensitive data from applications. Scrub these items to recover from data spills and to remove information that is now confidential but wasn't before, or to delete information that should not be revealed to a wider audience. Information is permanently deleted from the application and cannot be recovered.

You might have data from one or more of these applications:

Restricting read access to certain files with sensitive information

There are certain files or directories in Report Builder, Data Collection Component and other CLM applications that contain sensitive information. These files or directories should have their read access restricted to the user or admin that is going to start up the CLM server. The files and directories containing sensitive information are:

Report Builder

  • \server\conf\rs\db directory
  • \server\conf\rs\

Data Collection Component and other CLM applications

  • \server\conf\dcc\ and all its backup versions
  • \server\conf\dcc\indices\ [index_name], for example \server\conf\dcc\indices\yNb0YZoVEeaftY0i9ahkQg

Non-admin users can view some server configuration parameters

It is possible for a user without administrative privileges to view some server configuration parameters from the web UI. However, a non-admin user cannot modify any of these configuration parameters. If this is a security concern for your organization, complete the following steps to enable the enhanced admin security:

IBM WebSphere Liberty, Apache Tomcat:
  1. Go to the Jazz_Install_Dir/server directory and open server.startup for editing.
  2. Add the following line to the JAVA_OPTS section:


    JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dnet.jazz.ajax.disableEnhancedAdminSecurity=false"


    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dnet.jazz.ajax.disableEnhancedAdminSecurity="false"
  3. Save and close the server.startup file.
  4. Restart the server for changes to take effect.
IBM WebSphere Application Server
  1. Log into the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console.
  2. Click Server > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > Server1.
  3. Under Server Infrastructure, click Java and Process Management > Process definition.
  4. Under Additional Properties, click Java Virtual Machine > Additional Properties and then click Custom properties.
  5. Click New and add the following custom property:
    • Name: net.jazz.ajax.disableEnhancedAdminSecurity
    • Value: false
  6. Click OK, and then Save directly to the master configuration.
  7. Restart the server for changes to take effect.

Security limitations

  • Default passwords

By default, when creating a user, generated passwords are the same as user IDs. For security reasons, it is recommended to change the default password and use a strong password policy.

  • Unsuccessful log in attempts

The default application server for the Rational solution for CLM products is WebSphere Liberty, which does not lock out users after multiple unsuccessful attempts to log in. Many external LDAP directories offer this functionality. You can set up an external directory to use with WebSphere Liberty.

  • Installing with Security-Enhanced Linux

If Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is enabled, you must either disable it or change the security context of the Java™™ Runtime Environments (JREs) that are used for installing and running the server to allow text relocation. For more information, see Installing with Security-Enhanced Linux.

Users are not logged out after the LTPA timeout period is reached

When the IBM Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) timeout value is set in IBM WebSphere Application Server, the Jazz Team Server for the Requirements Management application does not log out users after the timeout period is reached. This is due to the fact that the LTPA timeout setting in WebSphere Application Server and OAuth access token timeout in Jazz Team Server do not have the same value. For more information about setting these two values, see this technote.

Sensitive information in work item links

The work item summary is displayed as a link when work items are shared between private and public project areas. A user from the public project area might not have access to the work item in the private project area by clicking the link, but the summary of the private work item is displayed and viewable by all users. The best practice is not to include any sensitive information in the work item summary.

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