Supported platforms for document conversion services

Some platforms support running the DCS locally while others don't. The following table lists the platforms and versions that support running the document conversion services. On platforms that don't support running the DCS locally, document conversion must be performed on a remote IBM® WebSphere® Application Server that supports document conversion services.

Some platforms support running the DCS locally while others don't. The following table lists the platforms and versions that support running the document conversion services. On platforms that don't support running the DCS locally, document conversion must be performed on a remote IBM WebSphere Application Server that supports document conversion services.

Table 1. Supported Platforms
Platform Version(s)
Windows (x86 32-bit) Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP and Windows Vista
Windows (Itanium 64-bit) Windows .Net Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Windows (x86 64-bit) Windows 2003 x64 Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter Editions (64-bit Extended Systems)
iSeries (OS/400® using PASE) V6R1 and V7R1
Red Hat Linux (x86) Advanced Server 3 and 5
Red Hat Linux (Itanium 64) Advanced Server 3, 4, and 5
Red Hat Linux (x86 64-bit) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4
SuSE Linux (x86) 10 and 11
SuSE Linux (Itanium 64) Enterprise Server 8
SuSE (x86 64-bit) SUSE Enterprise Server (SLES) 9, 10