No desktops after a Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployment with OCP

After a Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployment with OpenShift Container Platform (OCP), you might notice that the Business Automation Workflow, Workplace, and Case desktops are missing from Business Automation Navigator.


If the Workplace init job is completed but you cannot find the Workplace desktop in the list of desktops in Business Automation Navigator, resolve this issue by re-creating the job, which will successfully create the Workplace desktop in Business Automation Navigator.
To delete and re-create the Workplace init job, follow these steps:
  1. Delete and re-create the Workplace init job:
    1. Get the job name:
      - oc get jobs | grep workplace-job
    2. Delete the job and re-create it:
      - oc get jobs <workplace-job-name> -o json | jq 'del(.spec.selector)' | jq 'del(.spec.template.metadata.labels)' | oc replace --force -f -
If the Case init job is completed but you cannot find any Case desktops in Business Automation Navigator, resolve the issue by force rerunning the Case init job as follows. The rerun Case init job will go through the initialization actions, including the creation of the Case desktops in Business Automation Navigator.
  1. Delete the config.ok file from the Business Automation Navigator pluginstore persistent volume:
    1. Log in to the system:
      - oc login -u=<username> -p=<password> <URL>
    2. Get the Business Automation Navigator pluginstore persistent volume name:
      - oc get pv | grep pluginstore
    3. Get the Business Automation Navigator pluginstore path:
      - oc get pv <pluginstore-PV-Name> -o json | jq  '[.spec]' | grep path
    4. Delete the config.ok file:
      - rm <pluginstore-path>/properties/config.ok
  2. Delete and recreate the Case init job:
    1. Get the job name:
      - oc get job|grep case-init-job
    2. Delete the job:
      - oc get jobs <case-init-job-name> -o json | jq 'del(.spec.selector)' | jq 'del(.spec.template.metadata.labels)' | oc replace --force -f -

Also, ensure that you use OCP V4.6.12 or later. Network connectivity problems that occur in OCP versions earlier than 4.6.12 might break the communication between pods, which can sometimes prevent the successful creation of desktops.