IBM Business Automation Configuration Container parameters

IBM Business Automation Configuration Container configuration parameters are used to install an instance of the Helm chart on IBM Cloud Private.

Business Automation Configuration Container Helm chart configuration parameters

Table 1. Business Automation Configuration Container Helm chart configuration parameters (YAML equivalents)
Parameters Description Default values
Release name The name of the helm instance or release. The name is used as a prefix in all services and deployments that are created. A deterministic naming scheme is best, as it helps to look up a service name. empty
Target namespace The namespace to install the release into. Namespaces are a logical partitioning capability that enables one Kubernetes cluster to be used by multiple users without undesired interaction. Defaults to the current kube config namespace.


The worker node scheduler preference. amd64

The only option is amd64.

Initial CPU requested


Initial CPU resources to request. By default, it is set to a minimum value of 500m (1000m = 1 core). 500m
Initial Memory requested


Initial memory resources to request. By default, it is set to a minimum value of 512Mi (Mi = Megabyte). 512Mi
Image repository


The repository. mycluster.icp:8500/<namespace>/ibacc-master

You can find the namespace in which the container image is loaded by clicking Container Images on the menu in the Admin console, and then searching for ibacc-master.

Image tag


The image tag version. 19.0.2
Image pull policy


The image pull policy. If not present. The most recent downloaded Docker image is used to run the container.

Set the policy to Always to pull the latest version of the Docker image.

Limit on CPU consumed


Limit of the CPU core to consume. By default, it is set to a value of 1000m (1000m = 1 core) 1000m
Limit on Memory consumed


Limit on the amount of memory to consume. By default, it is set to a value of 512Mi (Mi = Megabyte). 512Mi
Deployment folder name


Name of the folder in the persistent volume claim used to store all config files and logs. dbamc_staging_deploy
Persistent Volume Claim


Name of the persistent volume used by this release. ibacc-cfg-pvc

The following config.yaml file shows the default values for Business Automation Configuration Container.

# Default values for dbamc-configuration-container.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
  amd64: "3 - Most preferred"

#replicaCount: 1
  repository: mycluster.icp:8500/<namespace>/ibacc-master
  tag: 19.0.2
  pullPolicy: Always
  ibaccDeployID: dbamc_staging_deploy
#  name: ibaccsvc
#  type: NodePort
#  externalUIPort: 80
  persistentVolumeClaim: ibacc-cfg-pvc
#  enabled: false
#  # Used to create Ingress record (should used with service.type: ClusterIP).
#  hosts:
#    - chart-example.local
#  annotations:
#    # nginx
#    # "true"
#  tls:
#    # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
#    # - secretName: chart-example-tls
#    #   hosts:
#    #     - chart-example.local
    cpu: 1000m
    memory: 512Mi
    cpu: 500m
    memory: 512Mi

To pass the configuration parameters on the Helm command line, you can use the -f parameter to locate a YAML file.

helm install --name my-dba-release --namespace mynamespace -f config.yaml local/ibm-dba-multicloud-prod --tls --version 19.0.2