Configuring storage for the Business Automation Content Analyzer environment

External storage is needed in the content services environment. You set up and configure storage to prepare for the container configuration and deployment.

About this task

You can use a YAML file to capture details like the name and the specifications of the persistent volume that you want to create. You can use the kubectl command tool with the file to create the persistent volume object. Use a similar approach to create the persistent volume claims.

For an example of yaml files that use NFS-mounted directories, see the sample in the GitHub repositories:

 New in 19.0.2

 For 19.0.1

The persistent volume and persistent volume claim names that are provided in the following tables are examples.


  1. Create the persistent volumes and persistent volume claims for the Business Automation Content Analyzer.
    Volume Purpose Example Folder to create Example Volume and Volume claim to create
    Content Analyzer data

    (Contains mongodb databases)




    Content Analyzer logs

    (Log files for all components)



    Content Analyzer config

    (Various configuration settings)



  2. Create the three main directories: data, logs, and config. Then, create the following subdirectories:
    • ./data/{mongo,mongoadmin}
    • ./config/backend
    • ./logs/{backend,frontend,callerapi,processing-extraction,pdfprocess,setup,classifyprocess-classify,ocr-extraction,postprocessing,reanalyze,updatefiledetail,redis,rabbitmq,mongo,mongoadmin,utf8process}
  3. Change the ownership on all folders to 51000:51001.
    All the Content Analyzer containers are configured to run as user:group 51000:51001. Set the folder permissions so that the container user owns them.

What to do next

Go to Installing IBM Business Automation Content Analyzer.