Creating and configuring a Db2 database

If you do not have a Db2® database, set up a new Db2 environment.

Before you begin

If you do not have an installed Db2 database, create a base database:

  1. To create the Content Analyzer Base database, go to the /configuration or /configuration-ha directory in the following GitHub repositories:

     New in 19.0.2

     For 19.0.1

  2. Copy the /DB2 subdirectory to the Db2 server where you run the scripts.


Set up Db2 database:

  1. You must log in to the Db2 server as db2inst1 with sudo privileges. For example, the db2inst1 user must be granted sudo privileges. Create the base database by running the following command:
  2. Enter the following details:
    • Enter the name of the Business Automation Content Analyzer Base database. The name must be unique, contain 8 characters or less, and have no special characters.
    • Enter the name of the database user, which can be a new or existing Db2 user.
    • Enter the password for the user each time you are prompted. If the user exists, the prompt is skipped.