Uninstalling Connections Touchpoint

If you need to uninstall Touchpoint, here's how you do it.

About this task

The following steps show you how to remove the Touchpoint application API, and then reverse the configuration changes that you made and remove the shared resources that you added during the installation.


  1. From the wasadmin console, remove the touchpointapi application:
    1. Go to Application > Enterprise Application and select the Touchpointapi application.
    2. Stop the application.
    3. When the application is stopped, select the Touchpointapi application, click Uninstall, and click OK.
    4. After the uninstall process runs, click Save to save the changes to the master configuration.
  2. Remove the Touchpoint Profiles Extension Attributes modifications to the profiles-config.xml file:
    1. From the command prompt, go to the directory where the Deployment Manager is installed and start the wasadmin client.
    2. Check out the configuration files to the temporary location that you downloaded Touchpoint to.
    3. Run the following command to start the Profiles administration script:
                      ProfilesConfigService.checkOutConfig("/opt/kit/touchpoint/cfg", AdminControl.getCell())
    4. Back up the profile-config.xml file and open it in edit mode. Locate the section <profileExtensionAttributes> and remove the following lines:
       <!-- START IBM Connections Touchpoint -->
                      <simpleAttribute extensionId="recommendedTags" length="256" sourceKey="recommendedTags" />
                      <simpleAttribute extensionId="departmentKey" length="256" sourceKey="departmentKey" />
                      <simpleAttribute extensionId="privacyAndGuidelines" length="256" sourceKey="privacyAndGuidelines" />
                      <simpleAttribute extensionId="touchpointState" length="256" sourceKey="touchpointState" /> <richtextAttribute
                      extensionId="touchpointSession" maxBytes="1000000" sourceKey="touchpointSession" />
                      <!-- END IBM Connections Touchpoint -->
    5. Save profile-config.xml.
    6. Now, back up profiles-types.xml and open it in edit mode. Remove the following lines from each declared profile:
      <!-- START IBM Connections Touchpoint -->
                          <!-- END IBM Connections Touchpoint -->
    7. Save profiles-types.xml.
    8. Check in the changes by running the following command: ProfilesConfigService.checkInConfig()
    9. Make sure that you see the message Profiles configuration files successfully checked in.
  3. Remove the Touchpoint Resource entries:
    1. Go to was_console > resource > resource Environment > resource environment entries.
    2. Select REE Touchpoint Config and click Delete.
    3. Then select Save to save the changes to the master configuration.
  4. Remove the text that refers to Touchpoint from the end of the /opt/IBM/HttpServer/conf/httpd.conf file:
    # mod_net_trace will record actual data sent/received from the client
    # and on proxy connections, even for SSL connections. Unlike an IP
    # trace, interaction with the platform network APIs can be seen.
    # The following example configuration can be activated by uncommenting
    # the LoadModule directive.
    #LoadModule net_trace_module modules/debug/mod_net_trace.so
    <IfModule mod_net_trace.c>
    NetTraceFile /tmp/nettrace
    NetTrace client * dest file event senddata=65535 event recvdata=65535
    Alias /touchpoint/img/upload_pic/ "/opt/ibm/connections/data/shared/touchpoint/upload_pic/"
    <Directory "/opt/ibm/connections/data/shared/touchpoint/upload_pic/">
    Order Deny,Allow
    Allow from all
  5. Remove the Touchpoint shared library registration from WebSphere Application Server.
    1. Go to was_console > environment > Shared libraries.
    2. Select touchpoint-shared-lib and click Delete.
    3. Click Save to save the changes to the master configuration.
  6. Remove the Touchpoint shared library directory on the Deployment Manager node and also on each node of the cluster that hosts the Touchpoint web app. For example, use the following target directory:

    Linux: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/connectionsCell/Touchpoint/lib

    Windows: C:\Program Files C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\libtouchpoint\lib

  7. If footer.jsp is merged with an existing footer file, unwind the customizations. Otherwise simply remove the customizations by removing all of the subfolders from the customization folder, as in the following examples:

    Linux: /opt/IBM/Connections/data/shared/customization/common/nav/templates/footer.jsp

    Windows: D:\IBM\Connections\data\shared\customization\common\nav\templates\footer.jsp

  8. Save the WebSphere Application Server cell configuration and synchronize.
  9. Restart IHS.
  10. Restart the WebSphere Application Server clusters.