Creating a library for Touchpoint .jar and htdocs files

Add IBM Touchpoint Java libraries to a new dedicated shared library. Also, add new Touchpoint HTTP library files to the IBM HTTP Servers.


  1. Create a new directory named Touchpoint on the Deployment Manager: ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/config/cells/${WAS_CELL_NAME}/Touchpoint

    For example, on Linux enter the following commands:


  2. Copy the jar files from the Touchpoint Installation package to the new directory named Touchpoint on the Deployment Manager:
    • Linux: Copy /lib/*.jar to ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/config/cells/${WAS_CELL_NAME}/Touchpoint/lib.

      For example, enter the following commands:

      cp <install-package>/lib/*.jar

    • Windows: Copy <install-package>\lib\*.jar to C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\config\cells\demoCell01\Touchpoint\lib\*.jar.
  3. Copy the IBM HTTP Server library files from the installation package to each IBM HTTP Server serving your Connections deployment:
    • Linux: Copy <install-package>/touchpoint/ to /opt/IBM/HTTPServe/htdocs/touchpoint/
    • Windows: Copy C:\IBM Connections Touchpoint 6.0\touchpoint\ to C:\IBM\HTTPServer\htdocs\touchpoint\