REPLACE returns a string with one or more occurrences of a substring replaced by another substring.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramREPLACE(x,f,t, n, i)
A string expression that specifies the string within which the occurrences of the substring f will be replaced by the substring t. x must have a CHARACTER type.
A string expression that specifies the substring that will be replaced within the string x. f must have a CHARACTER type.
A string expression that specifies the substring that will be used to replace the substring f within the string x. t must have a CHARACTER type.
An optional expression that specifies a location within the string x, from where the compiler begins searching for the substring f. n must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0). The default value for n is 1. If n is less than 1 or greater than the length(x), the STRINGRANGE condition will be raised if enabled, and the result will be a null character string.
An optional expression that specifies the maximum number of times that the substring f should be replaced by the substring t. i must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0). The default value for i is 1. i must be non-negative. If i is 0, all occurrences of the substring f in the string x will be replaced by the substring t.
dcl ein char(50) var init( 'reserved from #date# till #date#.' );          
dcl aus char(80) var;                                                       
dcl f   char(6);                                                            
dcl t   char(10);                                                           
f = '#date#';                                                               
t = '2018/05/01';                                                           
aus = replace( ein, f, t );                                                 
      /* 'reserved from 2018/05/01 till #date#.' */                         
aus = replace( ein, f, t, 16 );                                             
      /* 'reserved from #date# till 2018/05/01.' */                         
aus = replace( ein, f, t, 1, 2 );                                            
      /* 'reserved from 2018/05/01 till 2018/05/01.' */                     
aus = replace( ein, f, t, 16, 1 );                                          
      /* 'reserved from #date# till 2018/05/01.' */                         
aus = replace( ein, f, t, 1, 0 );                                           
      /* 'reserved from 2018/05/01 till 2018/05/01.' */