Enhancements in this release

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in this and the other IBM® PL/I books.

Usability enhancements

  • The compiler flags any occurrence of =+ and =- as likely typos.
  • The compiler supports a maximum number of 65535 lines in a page in the listing. See LINECOUNT.
  • The compiler has increased the maximum length of the string passed to the EXIT to 1023. See EXIT.
  • The compiler issues a warning message when the parameter to MAIN is declared as CHAR VARYING with a specific length (rather than with an indeterminate length specified as CHAR(*) VAR).
  • The compiler supports the use of assigning the null string (specified as either '' or ''b) to HANDLE, OFFSET, ENTRY, and AREA variables.
  • The compiler supports control of the NULLINIT values used for POINTERs.

Compiler option enhancements

New compiler options:
  • The MAXINIT compiler option helps you find code that significantly increases the size of the generated object.
  • The MACRO preprocessor supports the same ID option as the INCLUDE preprocessor.
  • The MACRO preprocessor IGNORE option specifies whether the MACRO preprocessor should ignore specific statements.
  • The SQL preprocessor LINEFILE option lets you include a file number as well as a line number in the DBRM statement number.
Modified compiler options:
  • The DEFAULT compiler option has these new suboptions:
    The NULLINIT suboption of the DEFAULT compiler option helps determine the value assigned to a POINTER that has the NULLINIT attribute.

    The DEFAULT(NOLAXQUAL) options specifies that when the compiler is resolving a reference to a name without any dot qualification, then if the name is ambiguous in the block where it is first declared, but is a reference to a scalar in a parent block, then the compiler will resolve the reference to be that parent block reference.

  • The NOLAXINOUT suboption of the DEFAULT compiler option supports two sets of suboptions.
  • The ARCH compiler option supports ARCH(13) to generate code that uses instructions available on the 8561-xxx (IBM z15™) models in z/Architecture® mode.
  • The FOFLONDIV and NOFOFLONDIV suboptions of the DECIMAL compiler option require the compiler to generate code that will raise the FIXEDOVERFLOW condition or produce a truncated result for any use of the DIVIDE built-in function.
  • The PADDING and NOPADDING suboptions of the DEFAULT compiler option specify if the compiler should pad defined structures.
  • The USAGE compiler option has this new suboption:
    The REGEX suboption of the USAGE compiler option lets you choose better performance for repeated REGEX calls when you know what other functions in your applications are dependent on the C locale.
  • The RULES compiler option has these new suboptions:
    The NOCOMPLEX suboption of the RULES compiler option lets you enforce the requirement that any use of the COMPLEX attribute, built-in function or constants should be flagged.
    The NOGLOBAL suboption of the RULES compiler option lets you flag any variable that is used in a nested subprocedure of the block where the variable is declared as AUTOMATIC, CONTROLLED, DEFINED, PARAMETER, and ASSIGNABLE STATIC.
    The NOLAXEXPORTS suboption of the RULES compiler option lets you enforce the requirement that every PACKAGE explicitly name all the routines it exports.
    The NOLAXFIELDS suboption of the RULES compiler option lets you enforce the requirement that fields have to be explicitly specified within a SQL SELECT or INSERT.
    The suboption NOLAXOPTIONAL of the RULES compiler option causes the compiler to flag any use of the OMITTED and PRESENT built-in functions whose parameters are not declared as OPTIONAL.
    The NOLAXPACKAGE suboption of the RULES compiler option lets you enforce the requirement that all compilation units contain an explicit PACKAGE statement.
    The NOLAXPARMS suboption of the RULES compiler option lets you enforce the requirement that one of the INOUT/INONLY/OUTONLY attributes be specified for all parameters.
    The NOLAXSCALE suboption of the RULES compiler option lets you disallow FIXED BIN with any nonzero scale factor and limit its flagging to only the primary source file.
    The suboption NOUNREFSTATIC of the RULES compiler option will no longer flag PLIXOPT or PLITABS.
    The LOOSE/STRICT suboption of the RULES(NOPADDING) compiler option lets you also find structures with leading and trailing padding.
  • References which name start with 'DFH', 'DSN', 'EYU', 'SQL', and 'IBM’ are excluded from the RULES(NOLAXENTRY) and RULES(NOLAXQUAL) checking.
  • The JSON compiler option has the following changes:
    The LOWER suboption of the JSON(CASE) compiler option specifies that the names in the JSON text generated by the JSONPUT built-in functions and expected by the JSONGET built-in functions will all be in lowercase.
    The HEEDCASE suboption of the JSON(GET) compiler option specifies that the JSONGET built-in functions require exactly matching names. The IGNORECASE suboption of the JSON(GET) compiler option specifies that the JSONGET built-in functions view names as matching if their case is ignored.
  • The 64K suboption of the LIMITS(STRING) option lets you set the corresponding limits for strings to 65535. See LIMITS.
  • The abbreviations CSTG and STG are accepted as synonyms for CURRENTSIZE and SIZE in the USAGE(HEX) compiler option. See USAGE.
  • The MACRO preprocessor CASE option has the CASE(ASIS) option as the default.

SQL enhancements

CICS enhancements

  • The CICS preprocessor output now includes a listing of all the CICS options in effect when the preprocessor is run.