Non-computational targets

Non-computational targets include AREA, ENTRY, FILE, FORMAT, HANDLE, LABEL, OFFSET, ORDINAL, POINTER, and typed STRUCTURE.

When a target is non-computational, the attributes of the source are limited:
Targets Source Considerations
AREA Must be one of:
  1. an area
  2. empty()
  3. a null bit or char string.
Assigning a null string to an area is equivalent to assigning empty() to the area.
ENTRY Must be one of:
  1. an entry (and if the target is LIMITED, then the source must be also)
  2. nullentry()
  3. a null bit or char string.
Assigning a null string to an entry is equivalent to assigning nullentry() to the entry.
FILE Must be a file variable or file constant.  
FORMAT Must be a format variable or format constant.  
HANDLE Must be one of:
  1. a handle to the same structure type
  2. null()
  3. sysnull()
  4. a null bit or char string
The DFT(NULSTRPTR) compiler option specifies whether assigning a null string to a handle is equivalent to assigning null() to the target or equivalent to assigning sysnull() to the target.
LABEL Must be a label variable or label constant.  
OFFSET Must be one of:
  1. an offset
  2. a pointer if the target has a qualifying AREA
  3. null()
  4. sysnull()
  5. a null bit or char string
The DFT(NULSTRPTR) compiler option specifies whether assigning a null string to an offset is equivalent to assigning null() to the target or equivalent to assigning sysnull() to the target.
ORDINAL Must be an ordinal of the same type.  
POINTER Must be one of:
  1. a pointer
  2. an offset with a qualifying AREA
  3. null()
  4. sysnull()
  5. a null bit or char string
The DFT(NULSTRPTR) compiler option specifies whether assigning a null string to a pointer is equivalent to assigning null() to the target or equivalent to assigning sysnull() to the target.
typed STRUCTURE Must be a structure of the same type.