
Built-in subroutines perform miscellaneous operations that do not necessarily return a result as built-in functions do.

Table 1. Built-in subroutines
Function Description
LOCNEWSPACE Allocates space for the variable type described by the LOCATES attribute.
LOCNEWVALUE Allocates space for the variable type described by the LOCATES attribute that is associated with the offset and assigns value to that area.
PLIATTN Gives you explicit control over where the compiler inserts attention breakpoints. Each invocation of this subroutine causes the ATTENTION condition to be raised at that point in the code.
PLICANC Cancels the automatic restart facility (z/OS only).
PLICKPT Takes a checkpoint for later restart (z/OS only).
PLIDELETE Frees the storage associated with a handle.
PLIDUMP Dumps information about currently open files, the calling path to the current location, and so on.
PLIFILL Fills n bytes at an address with a specified byte value.
PLIFREE Frees the storage associated with a pointer to heap storage.
PLIMOVE Moves n bytes from one address to another.
PLIOVER Moves n bytes from one address to another, compensating for possible overlap of the source and target.
PLIREST Restarts program execution (z/OS only).
PLIRETC Sets the PL/I return code value.
PLISAXA Allows you to perform SAX-style parsing of an XML document residing in a buffer in your program.
PLISAXB Allows you to perform SAX-style parsing of an XML document residing in a file.
PLISAXC Allows you to perform SAX-style parsing of an XML document residing in a buffer in your program.
PLISAXD Allows you to perform SAX-style parsing with XML validation of an XML document residing in a buffer in your program.
PLISRTA Allows the use of DFSORT to sort an input file to produce a sorted output file.
PLISRTB Allows the use of DFSORT to sort input records provided by an E15 PL/I exit procedure to produce a sorted output file.
PLISRTC Allows the use of DFSORT to sort an input file to produce sorted records that are processed by an E35 PL/I exit procedure.
PLISRTD Allows the use of DFSORT to sort input records provided by an E15 PL/I exit procedure to produce sorted records that are processed by an E35 PL/I exit procedure.
PLISTCK Generates the corresponding store clock hardware instruction and returns the condition code set by the instruction (z/OS only).
PLISTCKE Generates the corresponding store clock hardware instruction and returns the condition code set by the instruction (z/OS only).
PLISTCKF Generates the corresponding store clock hardware instruction and returns the condition code set by the instruction (z/OS only).
PLITRANxy Translates an x-byte buffer to a y-byte buffer where x and y may be any combination of 1 and 2.

Published: 23 December 2018