VALIDVALUE returns a value that indicates whether the value of an expression matches one of the elements in a variable's value set.

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A reference that must have the VALUELIST or VALUERANGE attribute.
An expression that is to be tested against the value set for x. If x has a computational type, then y must also have a computational type and will be converted, if necessary, to the same type as x; if x has an ordinal type, then y must have the same ordinal type. If y is omitted, it defaults to x. So, VALIDVALUE(x) is equivalent to VALIDVALUE(x,x).
VALIDVALUE returns a BIT(1) value '1'B if: Otherwise, it returns '0'B.
If x has the VALUERANGE attribute , the VALIDVALUE test includes the two endpoint values. For example given the declare
dcl x  fixed dec(5) valuerange( 1900, 2100 );
the test
if validvalue( x ) then
is equivalent to
if (1900 <= x) & (x <= 2100) then

Published: 23 December 2018