Miscellaneous built-in functions

This topic lists the built-in functions that do not fit into any of the other categories.

The following table lists miscellaneous built-in functions.

Table 1. Miscellaneous built-in functions
Function Description
ALLCOMPARE Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates the result of comparing two structures.
BETWEEN Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the first argument is in the closed interval as defined by the second and third arguments.


Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the first argument is in the open interval as defined by the second and third arguments.


Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the first argument is in the left-open interval as defined by the second and third arguments.


Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the first argument is in the right-open interval as defined by the second and third arguments.
BINSEARCH Performs a binary search by using a simple compare.
BINSEARCHX Performs a binary search by using a specified compare function.
BYTE Synonym for CHARVAL.
CDS Returns a FIXED BINARY(31) value that indicates if the old and current values in a compare double and swap were equal.
CHARVAL Returns the character value corresponding to an integer.
CODEPAGE Returns a FIXED BINARY(31) value holding the value of the CODEPAGE compiler option.
COLLATE Returns a character(256) string specifying the collating order.
CS Returns a FIXED BINARY(31) value that indicates if the old and current values in a compare and swap were equal.
GETENV Returns a value representing a specified environment variable.
GETJCLSYMBOL Returns a character string that is the value of an exported JCL symbol (z/OS only).
Start of changeGETSYSINTEnd of change Rturns a size_t value that is the value of the requested system information.
GETSYSWORD Returns a character string that is the value of the requested system information.
HEX Returns a character string that is the hex representation of a value.
HEX8 Returns a character string that is the UTF-8 hex representation of a value.
INDICATORS Returns a value that gives the number of elements at the next logical level in a structure.
INLIST Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the first argument is equal to any of the remaining arguments.
ISJCLSYMBOL Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the input argument name is a valid exported JCL symbol.
ISMAIN Indicates if the current procedure is main.
MAINNAME Returns a CHARACTER string that is the name of the MAIN function on the current call stack.
OMITTED Indicates if a parameter was not supplied on a call.
PACKAGENAME Returns the name of the containing package.
PLIRETV Returns the PL/I return code value.
POPCNT Returns a FIXED BIN value holding in each byte the number of bits equal to 1 in the corresponding byte.
PRESENT Indicates if a parameter was supplied on a call.
PROCEDURENAME Returns the name of the most closely nested procedure.
PUTENV Adds new environment variables or modifies the values of existing environment variables.
RANK Returns the integer value corresponding to a character or widechar.
REG12 Returns a pointer that holds the current value of register 12.
SOURCEFILE Returns the name of the containing file.
SOURCELINE Returns the number of the containing line.
STACKADDR Returns the address of the current dynamic save area.
STRING Returns a string that is the concatenation of all the elements of a string aggregate.
SYSTEM Returns the value returned by a command.
THREADID Returns the thread identifier for a task.
UNHEX Returns a character string that is the decoded value of a hex input string.
UNSPEC Returns a bit string that is the internal representation of a value.
UUID Returns a CHARACTER(36) string that is Start of changea version 5 formatEnd of change universally unique identifier.
Start of changeUUID4End of change Start of changeReturns a CHARACTER(36) string that is a version 4 universally unique identifier.End of change
VALID Indicates if the contents of a variable are valid for its declaration.
VALIDVALUE Indicates if the value of an expression matches one of the elements in a variable's value set.
WCHARVAL Returns the widechar value corresponding to an integer.

Published: 23 December 2018