Mathematical built-in functions

All of these functions operate on floating-point values to produce a floating-point result. Any argument that is not floating-point is converted.

The accuracy of these functions is discussed in Accuracy of mathematical functions.

Table 1 lists the mathematical built-in functions.

Table 1. Mathematical built-in functions
Function Description
ACOS Calculates the arc cosine
ASIN Calculates the arc sine
ATAN Calculates the arc tangent
ATAND Calculates the arc tangent in degrees
ATANH Calculates the hyperbolic arc tangent
COS Calculates the cosine
COSD Calculates the cosine for a value in degrees
COSH Calculates the hyperbolic cosine
ERF Calculates the error function
ERFC Calculates the complement of the error function
EXP Calculates e to a power
GAMMA Calculates the gamma function
LOG Calculates the natural logarithm
LOG10 Calculates the base 10 logarithm
LOG2 Calculates the base 2 logarithm
LOGGAMMA Calculates the log of the gamma function
SIN Calculates the sine
SIND Calculates the sine for a value in degrees
SINH Calculates the hyperbolic sine
SQRT Calculates the square root
SQRTF Calculates SQRT inline if hardware architecture permits
TAN Calculates the tangent
TAND Calculates the tangent for a value in degrees
TANH Calculates the hyperbolic tangent

Published: 23 December 2018