Floating-point inquiry built-in functions

The floating-point inquiry built-in functions return information about the floating-point variable arguments that you specify.

Table 1. Floating-point inquiry built-in functions
Function Description
EPSILON Returns the spacing around 1
HUGE Returns the largest positive finite value that a floating-point variable can hold
ISFINITE Indicates if a floating point value is not a NAN and not positive or negative infinity
ISINF Indicates if a floating point value is an infinity
ISNAN Indicates if a floating point value is a NAN
ISNORMAL Indicates if a floating point value is not a zero, subnormal, infinity or NaN
ISZERO Indicates if a floating point value is a zero
MAXEXP Returns the maximum value for an exponent
MINEXP Returns the minimum value for an exponent
PLACES Returns the model precision for a floating point value
RADIX Returns the model base for a floating point value
TINY Returns the smallest positive value that a floating-point variable can hold

Published: 23 December 2018