Condition codes 1 through 500

This condition is raised if, in a SELECT group, no WHEN clause is selected and no OTHERWISE clause is present.
SIGNAL FINISH, or STOP statement executed.
SIGNAL ERROR statement executed.
SIGNAL NAME statement executed.
SIGNAL RECORD statement executed.
Record variable smaller than record size. Either:
  • The record is larger than the variable in a READ INTO statement; the remainder of the record is lost.
  • The record length specified for a file with fixed-length records is larger than the variable in a WRITE, REWRITE, or LOCATE statement; the remainder of the record is undefined. If the variable is a varying-length string, RECORD is not raised if the SCALARVARYING option is applied to the file.
Record variable larger than record size. Either:
  • The record length specified for a file with fixed-length records is smaller than the variable in a READ INTO statement; the remainder of the variable is undefined. If the variable is a varying-length string, RECORD is not raised if the SCALARVARYING option is applied to the file.
  • The maximum record length is smaller than the variable in a WRITE, REWRITE, or LOCATE statement. For WRITE or REWRITE, the remainder of the variable is lost; for LOCATE, the variable is not transmitted.
  • The variable in a WRITE or REWRITE statement indicates a zero length; no transmission occurs. If the variable is a varying-length string, RECORD is not raised if the SCALARVARYING option is applied to the file.
Record variable length is either zero or too short to contain the embedded key.

The variable in a WRITE or REWRITE statement is too short to contain the data set embedded key; no transmission occurs. (This case currently applies only to indexed key-sequenced data sets.)

Zero length record was read from a REGIONAL data set.
SIGNAL TRANSMIT statement executed.
Uncorrectable transmission error in output data set.
Uncorrectable transmission error in input data set.
Uncorrectable transmission error on output to index set.
Uncorrectable transmission error on input from index set.
Uncorrectable transmission error on output to indexed consecutive data set.
Uncorrectable transmission error on input from consecutive data set.
SIGNAL KEY statement executed.
Key specified cannot be found.
Attempt to add keyed record that has same key as a record already present in data set; or, in a REGIONAL(1) data set, attempt to write into a region already containing a record.
Value of expression specified in KEYFROM option during sequential creation of INDEXED or REGIONAL data set is less than value of previously specified key or region number.
Key conversion error, possibly due to region number not being numeric character.
Key specification is null string or begins with (8)'1'B or a change of embedded key has occurred on a sequential REWRITE[FROM] for an INDEXED or key-sequenced data set.
Attempt to access a record using a key that is outside the data set limits.
No space available to add a keyed record on INDEXED insert.
Key of record to be added lies outside the range(s) specified for the data set.
SIGNAL ENDFILE statement executed.
SIGNAL UNDEFINEDFILE statement executed.
Conflict in file attributes exists at open time between attributes in DECLARE statement and those in explicit or implicit OPEN statement.
Conflict between file attributes and physical organization of data set (for example, between file organization and device type), or indexed data set has not been loaded.
After merging ENVIRONMENT options with DD statement and data set label, data set specification is incomplete; for example, block size or record format has not been specified.
No DD statement associating file with a data set.
During initialization of a DIRECT OUTPUT file associated with a REGIONAL data set, an input/output error occurred.
LINESIZE greater than implementation-defined maximum, or invalid value in an ENVIRONMENT option.
After merging ENVIRONMENT options with DD statement and data set label, conflicts exist in data set specification; the value of LRECL, BLKSIZE or RECSIZE are incompatible with one another or the DCB FUNCTION specified.
After merging ENVIRONMENT options with DD statement and data set label, conflicts exist in data set specification; the resulting combination of MODE/FUNCTION and record format are invalid.
Password invalid or not specified.
SIGNAL ENDPAGE statement executed.
ENVIRONMENT option invalid for file accessing indexed data set.
The requested data set was not available.
Error detected by the operating system while opening a data set.
  Subcode1 Meaning
  50 A nonexistent ISAM file is being opened for input.
  51 An unexpected error occurred when opening an ISAM file. Subcode2 gives the return code from ISAM.
  52, 53 An unexpected error occurred when opening a native or REGIONAL(1) file.
  54 A nonexistent BTRIEVE file is being opened for input.
  55 An unexpected error occurred when opening a BTRIEVE file. Subcode2 gives the return code from BTRIEVE.
  56 An unexpected error occurred when opening a DDM file.
  57, 58 An unexpected error occurred when opening a DDM sequential, DDM relative or DDM indexed file. Subcode2 gives the return code from DDM.
  59 An attempt was made to open a file that was already open.
  60 A file of invalid type is being opened. An example of this is opening a VSAM file under z/OS UNIX System Services. VSAM files are not supported under z/OS UNIX System Services.
  66 Open of a VSAM file failed. Subcode2 gives the feedback code.
  76 A retry attempt at opening an SFS file failed.
  79 An SFS file opened for input or update could not be found.
  119 An unexpected error occurred during dynamic allocation processing for the file.
  120 A parsing error occurred during dynamic allocation processing for the file.
  121 An unexpected function was detected during dynamic allocation processing for the file.
  122 An unsupported file mode was detected during dynamic allocation processing for the file.
  123 The DDNAME could not be located during dynamic allocation processing for the file.
REUSE specified for a nonreusable data set.
Alternate index specified for an index data set is empty.
Incorrect environment variable.
VSAM server not available to perform the OPEN.
Attempt to position the file at the first record failed.
File cannot be opened.
  Subcode1 Meaning
  1 or 2 The extended attributes (EAs) for an existing REGIONAL(1) file could not be located and no RECCOUNT or RECSIZE values were given via the ENVIRONMENT or SET DD option.
  3 A positioning error occurred for a sequential output file.
  4 TYPE (FIXED) was specified for a native file, but the file size was not a multiple of RECSIZE.
  5 or 13 A positioning error occurred for a REGIONAL(1) file.
  6 - 12 A positioning error occurred for an output file.
  21 - 23 AMTHD(DDM) was specified on the SET DD statement for a file, but the DDM DDLs (DUBRUN and DUBLDM) could not be found or accessed.
  24 Incorrect extended attribute on a DDM file.
  25 The ORGANIZATION option of the ENVIRONMENT attribute conflicts with the type of data set (DDM or native).
  26 Conflicts exist with how the file is being used.
  27 A composite key was detected with a keyed-opening.
  28 - 30 A new DDM file could not be created.
  31 A positioning error occurred for a DDM file.
  35 AMTHD(BTRIEVE) was specified on the DD environment variable but the BTRIEVE loadable component (BTRCALLS) could not be found or could not be accessed on the system.
  36 Unexpected error occurred when opening a BTRIEVE file.
  37 A new BTRIEVE file could not be created.
  38 A positioning error occurred for a BTRIEVE file.
  40 AMTHD(ISAM) was specified on the DD environment variable but the ISAM non-multithreading loadable components (IBMWS20F and IBMWS20G) or the ISAM multithreading loadable components (IBMWM20F and IBMWM20G) could not be found or could not be accessed on the system.
  41 Unexpected error occurred when opening an ISAM file.
  42 A new ISAM file could not be created.
  43 A positioning error occurred for an ISAM file.
  60 A file of invalid type is being opened. An example of this is opening a VSAM file under z/OS UNIX System Services. VSAM files are not supported under z/OS UNIX System Services.
  62 Query for file information failed for a VSAM file under MVS batch.
  63 A non-VSAM file is being opened as a VSAM file under MVS batch.
  64 A VSAM file is being opened with an invalid type (that is, the file is not a KSDS, ESDS or RRDS file).
  65 A VSAM file is being opened in a non-MVS batch environment. VSAM files are supported only under MVS batch.
  66 Open of a VSAM file failed. Subcode 2 gives the feedback code.
  67 A VSAM file is being opened as a non-VSAM file under MVS batch.
  68 An invalid VSAM file is being opened.
  69 Query for file information failed for a native file under MVS batch.
  70 Positioning for a VSAM file failed.
  71 A VSAM file is being opened under a non-MVS batch environment.
  72 An invalid PL/I file is being opened.
  73 The SFS library cannot be loaded.
  74 The DCE library cannot be loaded.
  75 A new SFS file could not be created.
  77 Positioning for an SFS file failed.
  78 Not enough storage below the line.
  80 There was an error processing an empty VSAM file opened for update. Oncode 82 should have been issued.
The specified data set or path name could not be found during dynamic allocation processing for the file.
An invalid keyword was encountered in the environment variable string during dynamic allocation processing for the file.
Conflicting keywords were detected during dynamic allocation processing for the file.
A bad delimiter was detected during dynamic allocation processing for the file.
The DSN parameter of the environment variable specified a temporary data set name, which is not supported for dynamic allocation.
The PATH parameter of the environment variable did not specify an absolute path name.
The data set name specified in the DSN keyword of the environment variable was invalid.
The member name specified in the DSN keyword of the environment variable was invalid.
The path name specified in the PATH keyword of the environment variable was invalid.
An error occurred during the dynamic allocation phase for the file associated with the ddname.
An error occurred while attempting to dynamically deallocate the file associated with the ddname.
SIGNAL STRINGSIZE statement executed or STRINGSIZE condition occurred.
Truncation occurred during assignment of a mixed character string.
SIGNAL INVALIDOP statement was executed or INVALIDOP exception occurred.
SIGNAL OVERFLOW statement executed or OVERFLOW condition occurred.
SIGNAL FIXEDOVERFLOW statement executed or FIXEDOVERFLOW condition occurred.
SIGNAL ZERODIVIDE statement executed or ZERODIVIDE condition occurred.
SIGNAL UNDERFLOW statement executed or UNDERFLOW condition occurred.
SIGNAL SIZE statement executed; or high-order nonzero digits have been lost in an assignment to a variable or temporary, or significant digits have been lost in an input/output operation.
High order nonzero digits have been lost in an input/output operation.
SIGNAL STRINGRANGE statement executed or STRINGRANGE condition occurred.
Attempt to allocate a based variable within an area that contains insufficient free storage for allocation to be made.
Insufficient space in target area for assignment of source area.
SIGNAL AREA statement executed.
SIGNAL ATTENTION statement executed.
Start of change430End of change
Start of changeSIGNAL ATTENTION.End of change
Start of change431End of change
Start of changeAn ASSERT TRUE/FALSE statement without a TEXT clause failed.End of change
Start of change432End of change
Start of changeAn ASSERT TRUE/FALSE statement with a TEXT clause failed .End of change
Start of change433End of change
Start of changeAn ASSERT UNREACHABLE statement without a TEXT clause failed.End of change
Start of change434End of change
Start of changeAn ASSERT UNREACHABLE statement with a TEXT clause failed.End of change
Start of change435End of change
Start of changeAn ASSERT COMPARE statement without a TEXT clause failed.End of change
Start of change436End of change
Start of changeAn ASSERT COMPARE statement with a TEXT clause failed.End of change
SIGNAL STORAGE statement executed.
ALLOCATE statement or ALLOCATE built-in function failed; insufficient storage to satisfy request.
SIGNAL CONDITION (name) statement executed.