Connectivity Issues

SSH Connectivity Errors: "Timeout establishing connection"

If you receive the error "Timeout establishing connection," the TCP connection between Connect and the server is blocked (error codes 13, 15, or 40 in the log files). To determine the cause, open a Terminal or a Command prompt on the client machine (where Connect is installed). Use telnet to test the connection to the server:

# telnet server-ip-address 33001

where server-ip-address is the IP address of the Aspera server (ex. on TCP port 33001 (or the configured TCP port, if other than 33001).

You will receive one of the following errors and can take the appropriate action:

  • "Connection refused": The Aspera server is not running the SSHD service. Have your server administrator review the server's SSH service status.

  • "Timeout": The client-side firewall is disallowing outbound TCP traffic. Ensure that the client-side firewall allows outbound TCP traffic on port 33001 (or the configured TCP port).

UDP Connectivity Errors: "Data transfer timeout"

If Connect appears to successfully connect to the server but:

  • The transfer progress reads 0%.
  • Files appear to be transferred to the destination but are 0 bytes.
  • You eventually receive the error "Data transfer timeout."

UDP connectivity is blocked, likely by the firewall configuration (error codes 14, 15, and 18 in the log files). Ensure that the client-side firewall allows outbound traffic on the FASP UDP port (33001, by default) and the server firewall allows inbound traffic on UDP port 33001.

IBM Aspera Connect Diagnostic Tool

Aspera provides a web-based diagnostic tool that can be useful for identifying connection issues. You can access the tool here: