
IBM Aspera Connect is an install-on-demand application that facilitates high-speed uploads and downloads with an Aspera transfer server.

Connect is compatible with most standard Web browsers. It integrates all of Aspera's high-performance transport technology in a small, easy-to-use package that provides unequaled control over transfer parameters. Connect includes the following features:

Feature Description
FASP file transport High-performance transport technology.
Browser interface Uploads and downloads are launched transparently by a Web browser.
Flexible transfer types Easily transfer single files, multiple files, or entire directories.
Transfer retry and resume Automatically retries and resumes partial and failed transfers.
Browser-independent transfer The Web browser can be closed once transfer operations have begun.
Transfer monitor A built-in transfer monitor for visual rate control and monitoring.
HTTP fallback HTTP fallback mode for highly restrictive network environments.
Proxy support HTTP fallback and FASP proxy settings.
Content protection Password-protect files that are being transferred and stored on the remote server.
Queuing Allow a fixed number of concurrent transfers, and place the rest in a queue.
Drag-and-Drop of files and folders When used with IBM Aspera Faspex and some third-party web applications, Connect supports drag-and-drop for specifying which files and folders to transfer.