IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS User's Guide and Reference Ver 14.1

Sorting and matching fault entries

The Fault Entry List display column headings are tabbable and shown in reverse highlight mode, which indicates that the table column attributes are modifiable. By placing the cursor on the heading, and pressing Enter, a Column Attributes display is presented, which allows you to sort the column data in ascending or descending order, or to show only the fault entries that satisfy a given MATCH criteria.

A sample Column Attributes display is shown in the following.
Figure 1. Sample Column Attributes display
  File  Options  View  Services  Help
─ ┌── Column Attributes ───┐ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
I │                        │ try List                         Line 28 Col 1 80
C │ Column Name:           │                                  Scroll ===> CSR
  │   Dup_Date             │
F │                        │  (SW) NWILKES.HIST*
  │ Sort:                  │
  │   Enter "/" to select  │ Dup_Time Jobname  Abend  Module   System   User_I
  │   _  Ascending         │ 15:57:37 PLICBPL  SNAP   PLICBPL  FAE1     SWILKE
  │   _  Descending        │ 13:44:02 CSCB0650 SNAP   CSCB0650 FAE1     TRUONG
  │                        │ 13:44:02 CSCB0650 SNAP   CSCB0650 FAE1     TRUONG
  │ Match:                 │ 13:44:02 CSCB0650 SNAP   CSCB0650 FAE1     TRUONG
  │   *                    │ 13:44:02 CSCB0650 SNAP   CSCB0650 FAE1     TRUONG
  │                        │ 13:44:02 CSCB0650 SNAP   CSCB0650 FAE1     TRUONG
  │                        │ 12:50:07 IDIVPCOB S0C7   IDISCBL1 FAE1     SWILKE
  │                        │ 12:08:10 IDIVPCOB U4039  IDISCBL1 FAE1     SWILKE
  │                        │ 12:07:19 IDIVPCOB S0C7   n/a      FAE1     SWILKE
  │                        │ 12:06:36 IDIVPCOB S0C7   IDISCBL1 FAE1     SWILKE
  └────────────────────────┘ 09:30:49 PLI23    U4000  @960IDI  FAE1     SWILKE
    SW16358       2009/09/15 08:53:50 PLI23    U4000  @960IDI  FAE1     SWILKE
    SW16357       2009/09/08 11:07:26 PLI23    U4000  @960IDI  FAE1     SWILKE
    SW16356       2009/09/08 11:06:22 PLI23    S806   n/a      FAE1     SWILKE
    SW16355       2009/09/08 11:05:16 PLI23    U4000  @960IDI  FAE1     SWILKE
    SW16354       2009/09/08 10:55:24 PLIPL    SNAP   PLICBPL  FAE1     SWILKE

Select the desired sort order by typing a forward slash (/) in the ascending or descending attribute input field and pressing Enter.

The MATCH attribute is case insensitive and permits the use of wildcards. The supported wildcard characters are an asterisk (*) to indicate zero, one or more characters, and a percent sign (%) to indicate a single required character. The default value is a single asterisk.

The value TODAY can be used in date columns to MATCH on the current date.

You can match faults, so that the display shows only the faults that share a common value for one of the fields (for example, a similar job name, or failing with the same abend code). This matching is useful when you are looking for faults with a similar pattern, or if you want to collect entries into a contiguous group so that you can apply a range delete.

Only fault entries that match the specified string are shown.

All attribute settings are cumulative, which means that once a particular sort order has been applied to a column, a sort on a different column is performed against the already sorted fault entry list. Also, once fault entries have been removed from the display due to a non-matching match criteria, the only way to restore this data is to perform a reset.

The reset can be performed by placing the cursor on the reset point-and-shoot field and pressing the Enter key. Alternatively, a RESET command can be entered on the command line.

Columns for which attributes have been changed are shown with turquoise color instead of blue.

The most recent attribute setting is shown whenever a column header is selected.
