Samples provided with z/OS Provisioning Toolkit

To give you a foundation for configuring templates and building images, z/OS PT provides examples of the configuration for commonly used environments, such as CICS® Transaction Server for z/OS. The download package for z/OS PT provides sample templates and images, and the corresponding artifacts that z/OS PT uses to build these images.

Sample templates

Templates are configured by a properties file and added into z/OSMF to enable the provisioning of systems based on the templates. Example templates for provisioning CICS regions and instances of z/OS Connect EE are provided in the zospt/templates directory. Each example contains a *.properties file, which you must customize for your environment. To create a new template, copy the entire template directory to another directory in the zospt/templates directory, then update the properties file for the new template.

Many samples provision a CICS region at a specific release, for example CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5. To use a sample with a different CICS release, change the following properties in the file to use the release that you require:
For details, see Configuration properties for CICS images.
Table 1. Sample CICS templates provided with z/OS PT
Sample template name Details
cics_getting_started A z/OSMF template that is configured with a minimal set of properties to enable the provisioning of a simple, single CICS Transaction Server for z/OS region. For a walk-through that uses the cics_getting_started template, see Getting started with CICS by using z/OSMF workflows.
cics_52 A z/OSMF template that is configured to provision a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.2 region.
cics_53 A z/OSMF template that is configured to provision a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.3 region.
cics_54 A z/OSMF template that is configured to provision a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.4 region.
cics_55 A z/OSMF template that is configured to provision a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5 region.
cics_56 A z/OSMF template that is configured to provision a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.6 region.
cmas_55 A z/OSMF template that is configured to provision a CICSPlex® SM address space (CMAS) V5.5 region. 1
iefbr14 A z/OSMF template that is configured to run the utility program IEFBR14 to verify z/OS PT installation. The utility performs no action other than return a completion code of 0. See The IEFBR14 utility: Do (almost) nothing.
java_helloworld A z/OSMF template that is configured to run a Java™ Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) web server and display a Hello World message.
wui_55 A z/OSMF template that is configured to provision a Web User Interface (WUI) V5.5 region. 1
zosconnect_v2r0 A z/OSMF template that is configured to provision an instance of z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition V2.0.
zosconnect_v3r0 A z/OSMF template that is configured to provision an instance of z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition V3.0.
  1. For details about the order in which to provision regions in a CICSplex, and how provisioned regions can connect to a CICSplex, see Overview of supported CICS types.

Sample images and the source artifacts that are used to build them

An image is a binary object that contains the configuration, application code, and environment variables to provision an environment. Properties for an image are specified in a zosptfile configuration file. Building a zosptfile creates a binary image that can then be used to provision applications and systems.
  • Sample zosptfile configuration files are provided in the zospt/samples directory.
  • Some of these samples are built into images that are provided with z/OS PT in the zospt/images directory.
To list the images in the zospt/images directory, you can use the zospt images command. Before you use a provided image, look at its zosptfile in the corresponding directory in zospt/samples to see how suitable it is for your use.
Table 2. Sample zosptfile configuration files provided with z/OS PT in the zospt/samples directory
Sample name Details
cics_getting_started_workflow A zosptfile to build an image to test the Getting started with CICS by using z/OSMF workflows scenario. The image provisions the cics_getting_started z/OSMF template (which is configured with a minimal set of properties to enable provisioning of a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS region).
cics_getting_started_cloud A zosptfile to build an image to test the Getting started with CICS by using IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS scenario. The image provisions the cics_getting_started z/OSMF template (which is configured with a minimal set of properties to enable provisioning of a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS region).
cics_async_api_sample A zosptfile that shows how to build an image that includes program binary files and CICS resource definitions for a sample CICS Asynchronous API application. The image requires a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.4 or later region configured in the file that is used in the cics_getting_started_workflow image.

The sample includes CICS resource definitions in a DFHCSDUP input file. These definitions are added into the system definition data set (CSD) of each provisioned CICS region. The sample also includes program binary files. During CICS provisioning, these files are copied into a newly allocated PDSE and made available in the CICS region through an installed LIBRARY resource.

cics_52 A zosptfile that identifies the name of the z/OSMF template (cics_52) to drive to provision a region that runs CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.2.
cics_53 A zosptfile that identifies the name of the z/OSMF template (cics_53) to drive to provision a region that runs CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.3.
cics_54 A zosptfile that identifies the name of a z/OSMF template (cics_54) to drive to provision a region that runs CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.4.
cics_55 A zosptfile that identifies the name of a z/OSMF template (cics_55) to drive to provision a region that runs CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5.
cics_56 A zosptfile that identifies the name of a z/OSMF template (cics_56) to drive to provision a region that runs CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.6.
cics_55_json A zosptfile that defines an Axis2 JVM server and associated service provider pipeline based on CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5. The environment variable IMAGE_WSDIR is defined, which can be used to copy WSBind files into the WSBind pickup directory for the service provider pipeline.
cics_55_json_microservice A zosptfile that shows how to build an image that contains a JSON microservice that uses an Axis2 JVM server and associated service provider pipeline based on CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5. The sample uses the environment variable IMAGE_WSDIR to copy WSBind files into the WSBind pickup directory for the service provider pipeline. The environment variable is defined in the cics_55_json image that this sample extends.
cics_55_liberty A zosptfile that defines a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5 region with an embedded Liberty JVM server. The environment variable IMAGE_LIBERTY_DIR is defined, which can be used to copy configuration files for the Liberty JVM server into the correct directory.
cics_55_nodejs_ivp A zosptfile that shows how to build an image that includes a CICS bundle containing a Node.js IVP application. The image requires a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5 region configured in the file that is used in the cics_getting_started_workflow image. By default, the Node.js IVP application listens for requests on port 9080. If this port number is unsuitable, you can change the port number before building an image from this sample.

To change the port number, either edit the file zospt/samples/cics_55_nodejs_ivp/bundles/nodejsivp/profiles/ivp_sample.profile or, if the file is read-only, copy the zospt/samples/cics_55_nodejs_ivp directory and edit the copied ivp_sample.profile file.

cics_55_soap A zosptfile that defines a service provider pipeline that is configured for SOAP web services based on CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5. The environment variable IMAGE_WSDIR is defined, which can be used to copy WSBind files into the WSBind pickup directory for the service provider pipeline.
cics_55_soap_microservice A zosptfile that shows how to build an image that contains a SOAP microservice that uses a service provider pipeline that is configured for SOAP web services based on CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5. The sample uses the environment variable IMAGE_WSDIR to copy WSBind files into the WSBind pickup directory for the service provider pipeline. The environment variable is defined in the cics_55_soap image that this sample extends.
cmas_55 A zosptfile that identifies the name of a z/OSMF template (cmas_55) to drive to provision a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) V5.5 region.
iefbr14 A zosptfile to build an image to run the utility program IEFBR14 to verify z/OS PT installation. The utility performs no action other than return a completion code of 0. See The IEFBR14 utility: Do (almost) nothing.
java_helloworld A zosptfile to build an image to run a Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) web server and display a Hello World message.
wui_55 A zosptfile that identifies the name of a z/OSMF template (wui_55) to drive to provision a Web User Interface (WUI) V5.5 region.
zosconnect_v2r0 A zosptfile that identifies the name of a z/OSMF template (zosconnect_v2r0) to drive to provision an instance of z/OS Connect EE V2.0. The sample defines an environment variable IMAGE_APIS, which can be used to copy z/OS Connect EE API archive files (AAR files) to the appropriate directory so that they are installed when the z/OS Connect EE instance is started.
zosconnect_v3r0 A zosptfile that identifies the name of a z/OSMF template (zosconnect_v3r0) to drive to provision an instance of z/OS Connect EE V3.0. The sample defines two environment variables, IMAGE_APIS and IMAGE_SERVICES, which can be used to copy z/OS Connect EE API archive files (AAR files) and service archive files (SAR files) to the appropriate directories so that they are installed when the z/OS Connect EE instance is started.
Table 3. Sample images provided with z/OS PT in the zospt/images directory
Sample image name Details
cics_getting_started_workflow An example image to try out the Getting started with CICS by using z/OSMF workflows scenario, by provisioning the cics_getting_started z/OSMF template through z/OS PT.
cics_getting_started_cloud An example image to try out the Getting started with CICS by using IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS scenario, by provisioning the cics_getting_started z/OSMF template through z/OS PT.
cics_async_api_sample Uses the configuration from the cics_getting_started_workflow image and extends it to provision a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.4 or later region that runs a sample CICS Asynchronous API application.

The sample includes CICS resource definitions in a DFHCSDUP input file. These definitions are added into the system definition data set (CSD) of each provisioned CICS region. The sample also includes program binary files. During CICS provisioning, these files are copied into a newly allocated PDSE and made available in the CICS region through an installed LIBRARY resource.

For more information about the sample application, see IBM CICS Asynchronous API: Concurrent Processing Made Simple. For the application source, see CICS Asynchronous API Redbooks Examples in GitHub.

The image requires a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.4 or later region configured in the file that is used in the cics_getting_started_workflow image.

cics_catalog_sample Uses the configuration from the cics_getting_started_workflow image and extends it to provision a CICS region that runs a sample CICS catalog manager application that accesses VSAM data sets.
cics_52 Defines the z/OSMF template (cics_52) to drive to provision a region that runs CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.2.
cics_53 Defines the z/OSMF template (cics_53) to drive to provision a region that runs CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.3.
cics_54 Defines the z/OSMF template (cics_54) to drive to provision a region that runs CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.4.
cics_55 Defines the z/OSMF template (cics_55) to drive to provision a region that runs CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5.
cics_56 Defines the z/OSMF template (cics_56) to drive to provision a region that runs CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.6.
cics_55_json Uses the configuration from the cics_55 image and extends it with an Axis2 JVM server and associated service provider pipeline. The environment variable IMAGE_WSDIR is defined in the image, which can be used in images that are built from the cics_55_json image, to copy WSBind files into the WSBind pickup directory for the service provider pipeline.
cics_55_liberty Uses the configuration from the cics_55 image and extends it with an embedded Liberty JVM server. The environment variable IMAGE_LIBERTY_DIR is defined in the image, which can be used in images that are built from the cics_55_liberty image, to copy configuration files for the Liberty JVM server into the correct directory.
cics_55_nodejs_ivp Inherits the configuration from the cics_getting_started_workflow image and extends the configuration by including a CICS bundle that contains a Node.js IVP application that listens on port 9080. The bundle is installed automatically during startup of the CICS region.

The image requires a CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5 region configured in the file that is used in the cics_getting_started_workflow image.

cics_55_soap Inherits the configuration from the cics_55 image and extends it with a service provider pipeline that is configured for SOAP web services. The environment variable IMAGE_WSDIR is defined in the image, which can be used in images that are built from the cics_55_soap image, to copy WSBind files into the WSBind pickup directory for the service provider pipeline.
cmas_55 Defines the z/OSMF template (cmas_55) to drive to provision a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) V5.5 region.
iefbr14 Defines the z/OSMF template (iefbr14) to drive to run the utility program IEFBR14 to verify z/OS PT installation. The utility performs no action other than return a completion code of 0. See The IEFBR14 utility: Do (almost) nothing.
java_helloworld Defines the z/OSMF template (java_helloworld) to drive to run a Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) web server and display a Hello World message.
wui_55 Defines the z/OSMF template (wui_55) to drive to provision a Web User Interface (WUI) V5.5 region.
zosconnect_v2r0 Defines the z/OSMF template (zosconnect_v2r0) to drive to provision an instance of z/OS Connect EE V2.0. The image defines the environment variable IMAGE_APIS, which can be used in images that are built from the zosconnect_v2r0 image, to copy z/OS Connect EE API archive files (AAR files) to the appropriate directory so that they are installed when the z/OS Connect EE instance is started.
zosconnect_v3r0 Defines the z/OSMF template (zosconnect_v3r0) to drive to provision an instance of z/OS Connect EE V3.0. The image defines two environment variables, IMAGE_APIS and IMAGE_SERVICES, which can be used in images that are built from the zosconnect_v3r0 image, to copy z/OS Connect EE API archive files (AAR files) and service archive files (SAR files) to the appropriate directories so that they are installed when the z/OS Connect EE instance is started.