Viewing SMS Reporting

View and export message details and message traffic reports using the UI and API. Query the Acoustic Campaign database for SMS contacts, based on specific profile information or behaviors.

  • We recommend that when you configure the filters, in the View list, select either Incoming (MO) or Outgoing (MT). Due to known a known issue, we do not recommend that you select All.
  • If you send a messages text that requires more than one SMS message, the Messages report shows this text as one record.
  • If you want to view pre-processing errors for your SMS messages sent from Acoustic Campaign, see Viewing SMS Validation Error Files.
  • If you want to store SMS reporting events on a local server, see Scenario: Storing SMS reporting events on a local server.

How to view SMS message reports

In the SMS Campaign Manager, you can view the SMS inbound and outbound transactions and then export the report as a CSV file. If your organization sends over 250,000 messages per month, you may be able to receive daily reports through a secure FTP server.

In the SMS Campaign Manager, filter message data by mobile number, campaign, programs, program type, message text, SMS and API channel, and date range. To access this online report in the SMS Campaign Manager, hover over Messages and click Messages to open the report. Then, you can select the desired filters to generate the report.