Create PURLs in landing page sites

How to create PURLs in Landing page sites.

About this task

A PURL is a unique and personalized landing page that is created for your contacts/customers. Use PURLs with paper-based or printed campaign materials, such as direct mails or postcards.

When contacts click the personalized URL, they are directed to a Landing Page that contains images and/or text that is unique to each contact. Customers are more likely to visit a PURL site that contains their name, as opposed to a generic Web address. It is considered one of the most effective ways to track online responses from direct mail and increase overall conversion rates.

Here's an example of a personalized URL: <[yournamehere]>

To Create a PURL in Acoustic Campaign


  1. Open (or create) a Landing Page site.
  2. On the Edit Site page, click to open Optional Site Settings.
  3. Click Browse to add a database (or query) from the Choose Contact Source field.
    Note: If a web form is attached to your Landing Page site, you cannot select a query as the contact source.
  4. Select the Personalized URL check box.
  5. Click Add PURL Fields and select one or more fields that you want to include in the URL. For example, 'First Name', 'Last Name'.
  6. Click the Generate PURL button to open the Select Fields for PURL Export dialog box.
  7. You can select the fields that you want to appear in the PURL data job output file. Once the process is complete, you can download the CSV file and give the list to your printing service for your direct mail campaign.
    1. Click the green + icon to add fields from the Add Fields to Output File column to the Fields Included in Output File column. The system adds these fields to the PURL data file.
    2. Click Generate PURL.
    3. Save and Republish the Site.
    4. Once the data job is complete, go to the Data Job Detail page and click the Download link in the PURL List field.
    5. Save the PURL list to your computer.
    6. Save your site.
    7. (Optional) Click Preview to perform the PURL Test.