How do I set up conversion tracking?

Before you begin

  1. Web Tracking must be enabled. If you haven't setup Web Tracking on your pages, do that first.
  2. Make sure the following are in place before conversion setup.
  3. Your qualified domains have been added to the Web Tracking Settings.
  4. The Branded Domains Meta Tag should be added between the <head></head> tags of pages you want tracked.
  5. The Web Tracking code should be added before the </body> tag.

About conversion tracking

Like in Web Tracking, Conversion tracking needs to be triggered from an email using the Clickstream type link. Once our server recognizes the Clickstream link type, it will add four email specific browser cookies to log the conversion. Conversions from anonymous users are not logged.

Complete the following steps to setup the conversion tracking.


  1. Add the COT code. The code that calls the COT servlet needs to be uncommented and added to your site.
  2. From the Organization Settings ,open the Web Tracking Settings and scroll down to Web Tracking Code.
  3. Uncomment (Remove <!-- -->) the COT code and insert it between your site's <head></head> tags.
  4. Configure the Conversion Event. To perform the conversion, you need to implement a conversion call to our servers. This can be accomplished by configuring an onClick or an onLoad event and will need to include parameters for the ACTION, the DETAIL and the AMOUNT of the conversion. An example of an onLoad event could be as follows:
    <img src='confirmation.png' onload='ewt.cot({action:'purchase',detail:'galaxy_tab',amount:'300.00'})' width=0 height=0 />

    In the above same code, an onLoad event is called when a simple 1x1 pixel image is loaded on the purchase confirmation page.