What's new in Acoustic Campaign

Here's an update on the latest from our team, including improvements based on your feedback.


Week of March 10

Improved linking between IBMid and Campaign accounts

Adding and switching between Campaign accounts has never been easier. We've also changed the way we integrate your IBMid with your Campaign accounts. For details see: Log in to Acoustic Campaign and Add or switch to another Campaign account.


Week of February 25

New in programs

Share contact information automatically with your direct mail and telesales vendors or with your own sales teams using secure methods, including SFTP with our direct mail, telesales, and export lead objects. Simply add and configure on your canvas, and then you're ready to go!


We fixed the Send Silverpop Email Button to work for SFDC User who does not have the View Setup and Role Configuration permission in their role. You can download the package at: https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t2G00000085MW

Week of February 17

New top links widget in Performance Insights

You now have the ability to edit the top links widget and add any of the metrics that belong to links. Add a top links widget and use your completely customizable widget to understand all your link metrics.

Week of February 11

We're closing the gaps between Performance Insights and reporting

  • Conversion amount (for email): Before today, Performance Insights pulled in only the count of conversions. Now we pull in the actual monetary value associated with the count of conversions. There is no specific currency associated with the metric, and it is displayed as a decimal.
  • Delivery rate (for email): Before today, you could not add delivery rate back to any of the widgets. It only displayed when email report was first generated, and couldn’t be added after the original report was generated. Now, you can add delivery rate anywhere, any time, in your email reports.
  • Filter by contact source (all reports): Before today, you could only filter an entire report by a database. Now, you can filter a report by Query, Contact List, or Database that you are actually sending your messages to, within the contact source filter that is already in Performance Insights, alleviating the need for more than 10 audiences at a time.

Week of February 4

Announcing a new partnership with SproutLoud

Acoustic Campaign brings Distributed Marketing to you in partnership with SproutLoud. Acoustic Distributed Marketing operates alongside Acoustic Campaign to leverage powerful campaign design and execution capabilities. SproutLoud is a leader in the distributed marketing space. For more information, check out https://acoustic.co/products/distributed-marketing/. Documentation is available: https://app.sproutloud.com/member/help/knowledgebase. SproutLoud members need to log in to the account in the same browser before visiting this link.

Character swap for SMS

You can choose to replace one character of an SMS message with another when that character is not of the GSM standard. For example, the character "ë" is replaced by the GSM character "e" when your message is sent. To allow character swap, simply select the appropriate check box when creating your SMS program.


Week of December 17

We're rolling out new training courses

The Acoustic Campaign overview and deliverability courses are available now and we'll be adding more in the coming months. Check them out today:

Week of December 10

Organization administration enhancement

We've added new options into the organization setting's Archive Settings page. You can now bypass Client Support and use the provided drop-down to choose the maximum number of hours, 1-24, that a single contact expiration job will run.

Announcing a new connection with SurveyGizmo

SurveyGizmo now links survey response data into Acoustic Campaign using survey connector. SurveyGizmo is a flexible survey software platform where you can build, run, analyze, and report surveys.

New in programs

You can use a VMTA assigned database or query to balance your IP address use. This helps avoid emails being delivered to spam or junk folders for engagement or re-targeting campaigns, and to warm new IPs for your organization.


Week of November 19

Mobile update

Contact and location personalization are now available for simple push messages in DLA push streaming.

Week of November 12

Gain visibility fast

Monitoring your program just got easier. Check out our Insight panel updates to get even more details and metrics for every object in your program.

Journey Designer

To ensure we are making the best investments in design, planning, and collaboration, we are phasing out the Journey Designer module. In our efforts to help you move forward with your campaign design concepts, we will continue our development work, over time, to build its capabilities directly into Acoustic Campaign.

The removal of Journey Designer will occur in two phases:
  • At the end of November 2019, Journey Designer will be removed from the Acoustic Campaign menu.
  • By March 2020, the module will be de-provisioned from the platform.

If you have questions, contact your client success director.

October 2019

Week of October 28

Keeping track of your contacts is easier than ever

How your contacts flow through your program is incredibly important to understanding how your automation is working. Check out the new metrics tab added to each object insight panel. Now, whether your program is active or inactive, you can view counts for each individual object and understand how many have gone through the object, how many are currently active, and how many were removed.

Week of October 21

A top requested feature for data is here

We have introduced “Clicked any link in email” to the query builder as a new email behavior operator.

Week of October 14

The Emails and templates view is now Email campaigns

As part of our continuing effort to update and modernize our terminology, we're changing Emails and templates to Email campaigns. You'll see the update in the user interface and in our documentation.

Microsoft Dynamics update

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Integration Solution has been upgraded to Version

The SugarCRM Acoustic Campaign Integration Module has been upgraded to version 2069

The new version of the integration has been re-branded to "Acoustic Campaign" and enables you to install the latest version within a SugarCRM 9 environment.

Download the SugarCRM Acoustic Campaign here: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSWU4L/zip/SugarCRM_IBM_MC_Integration_2069.zip

Week of October 7

Join us for a client user group

Take a day to meet with other marketers, experts, and Acoustic leadership. Discover our vision and strategy, including the product roadmap and best practices. Share your own ideas and feedback in the roundtable discussion.

Sign up to attend in one of the following cities:

Keep your canvas clean

Now you can delete objects from your canvas. Just make sure your program is deactivated and you can disconnect and delete objects.

Week of October 1

Programs improvement

We’ve increased the allowed number of rules-based paths on a single decision tree from 10 to 20. When adding a decision object to your canvas, you can now have up to 19 paths configured, and 1 remainder path.

September 2019

Holiday Readiness Program 2019

Bring it on, holidays! Be prepared for the upcoming holiday season with Acoustic’s new 2019 Holiday Readiness Program. Download our product-specific guidelines for recommendations to optimize peak program activity. To learn more and access our Holiday Readiness webinars and guidelines, check out this blog post.

Our Support and Services team is available to help make your peak season successful. If you should need any assistance, please let us know how we can help.

For information on contacting Support and related processes, and links to sign up for outage notifications, check out our Acoustic Support Handbook.

New experience for managing scheduled and sent email

We're introducing big improvements for the way you view and manage emails. We've consolidated two views into one, so you now have a single location to manage scheduled, sent, and cancelled email. Filters allow you to see just what you need. Click on any email to open a new, comprehensive details page with an expandable preview window. Easily view and replace images included in your email. For more details, read our blog post: https://community.ibm.com/community/user/marketingandcommerce/blogs/beth-white1/2019/08/06/campaign-product-update-schedule-and-sent-email-im?CommunityKey=41311d32-e593-4357-9439-05fa38eb7901&tab=recentcommunityblogsdashboard

Updated terminology

Throughout the user interface and our documentation, we're making changes to our terminology to reflect more commonly used industry terms. For example, we're replacing mailing with email and new template with new email.

Advances in automation

Keep your sales and customer relationships up to date automatically with a program. Use your CRM-integrated database as your contact source and easily sync contacts back to your CRM campaign. If you use Salesforce, you can also add contacts with a defined status.

August 2019

Improved program performance

We're working hard to improve program performance! Now, any programs that have had no contact activity within the last 450 days will be deactivated, which will help programs performance for everyone. The last user and the principal administrator will be notified before the program is deactivated with next steps.

Salesforce CRMi Integration Module 1.29

We fixed an issue with the Salesforce CRMi Integration Module version 1.28 which was designed to work with the Salesforce Lightening user interface. In the upgraded version 1.29 package, you'll see all previous and new templates that were synced and visible in your Salesforce account. You will not see deleted templates. You can download the package here: https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t2G000000KTZT

July 2019

Watson Campaign Automation is now Acoustic Campaign

Our products are being renamed to reflect our new brand. You'll soon see the changes across the documentation and in the product interface.


Programs has a new look! We’ve moved the insights panel from the right of your canvas to the left. Now, when you go to your panel for step, configuration, or count details, your palette won’t be covered. Is the panel covering something on your canvas? Just click and drag to move the canvas around or simply minimize your panel.

Improved navigation

We listened to your feedback and updated the main navigation. When you click to expand the menu, it will appear in a column rather than expanding to the right. Additionally, we have streamlined menu choices. Read all the details and let us know what you think. https://community.ibm.com/community/user/marketingandcommerce/blogs/david-miller/2019/05/17/wca-nav-update-june?CommunityKey=41311d32-e593-4357-9439-05fa38eb7901&tab=recentcommunityblogsdashboard

June 2019

The Salesforce CRMi Integration Module has been upgraded to version 1.28

This means that you can work with the Salesforce Lightning user interface. You can download the package here - https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t2G000000KTPx

The SugarCRM Watson™ Campaign Automation Integration Module has been upgraded to version 2067

The new version of the integration enables you to install the latest version within a SugarCRM 9 environment with all the benefits there in. Additionally, we've made enhancements to the integration's logging capabilities, streamlining performance. For more details, check out the readme file.

Download the SugarCRM Acoustic Campaign here:https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSWU4L/zip/SugarCRM_IBM_MC_Integration_2067.zip

May 2019

Add columns to an existing relational table using a new REST API

With this new API, you and partner integrations will now have a modern way to add a new column to an existing relational table without manual user interface interaction. To learn more about this new feature, take a look at REST API for adding a column to an existing relational table.

The SugarCRM Integration Module has been upgraded to version 2065

The new version includes a PHP code change to the general settings portion of the module, which is required by SugarCRM version 8.0. The code change addresses the issue where SugarCRM 8.0 integrations generate a high number of exception messages, which can hinder performance. Download the SugarCRM Integration Module v2065 here - https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSWU4L/zip/SugarCRM_IBM_MC_Integration_2065.zip?view=kc

Offers in real time with DLA push streaming

Now you can make sure your customers don't miss a beat! Extend offers at the right time, at the right place. You need to add sites, that is locations, in DLA. Set up geofences and beacons in DLA in order to send location-triggered messages.

April 2019

Improved inbox monitoring

Gain better insights and realize greater yields on your email marketing efforts by understanding how global inbox providers will deliver your emails. To access the new report, go to Reporting > Inbox monitoring. The high level overview provides deliverability results at a glance with charts and trends. Click on any email subject line to see the full details. If you need to enable inbox monitoring, go the mailing settings in your organization settings.

Include personalized, shortened links in SMS messages

With Watson Campaign Automation link shortening service, you can shorten up to five URLs in an SMS message. The shortened URLs are valid for 30 days. Watson Campaign Automation link shortening service is available for all SMS clients except for those who currently use the Bitly integration. If you are currently using the Bitly integration but would like to switch over to Watson Campaign Automation link shortening service, contact IBM support.

Easier and faster way to delete multiple DLA sites

Now it's possible to delete multiple sites at once by uploading a comma-separated values file (CSV file) in Device Location Awareness. Specify the sites you want to delete in the freshly exported file and import the edited CSV file to delete the sites. Yes, it's that easy! For more details, search for how to delete multiple sites.

Limitation on password reset

For security purposes, we have introduced a change to the password reset process. There is now a limitation to how many times you can click the Password reset link without actually completing the password reset process. The limit is 8 times per day. If you exceed the daily limit, your account will be disabled, and you will need to contact an organization administrator to resolve the issue.

March 2019

Repeat a path with Redirect in Programs

Using the redirect feature, you can now redirect contacts to different places in your program, including a path they've already been through. This makes your program easier to manage, more efficient, and ensures that the right message is sent at the right time.

Scribe online connector

Scribe online connector has been upgraded to version, and we've fixed a series of defects:
  • We've added batching for recipient entities (Lead and Contacts). In cases when a user specifies a Batch size greater than 100, the connector will automatically split the processing into several batches of 100 records each.
  • We've also fixed a defect with PeriodDateTime to make sure all global timestamps will fit within the same time frame. Previously, the max time frame was UTC +12. We've increased that time frame by two (2) hours so that the maximum timezone shift is +14hours. This means that we can now accommodate UTC +14 hour timestamps.
  • The Retry Process has been updated to include error codes 502 and 503.

February 2019


So that you can quickly find your mailings, messages, and other assets, we've brought back the Watson Campaign Automation search capability. Click Search on the ribbon, then enter your parameters to easily locate and access your assets. Continue to use the Watson Assistant to look for help on features and functionality.

Asset ID information added to URL

When you open a specific asset, such as a program, mailing, or contact list, identifying information is now included at the end of the URL. For example, when you open a contact list, the list ID is included as part of the URL. These URLs can be bookmarked to provide direct access to the asset. Share the bookmarks with colleagues for easy collaboration.

January 2019

New navigation and Watson Assistant experience

We’re excited to unveil a new experience for all Watson Campaign Automation users. Since its launch in October 2017, we’ve worked tirelessly to align with a consistent look and feel across our entire portfolio and to integrate Watson to improve your help experience - all to assist you in focusing on what really matters. With Watson, you can get answers to any questions you might have and quickly - and easily! - retrieve data about your emails and performance.

Check out the Modernizing Your Watson Campaign Automation Experience video.

Create peace of mind and link your accounts. Select the pod and enter the user name and password for your other account. To learn more about linking user accounts, check out Link user accounts (multi-account sign-on).

We also want to make it as easy as possible for you to get to translated content within the user interface; you'll be able to select the language you want instead of using a specific URL. Simply go to your name > Settings > Preferences, and select your preferred language.

Two-factor authentication is required, but it's needed only once for every new device using IBMid.

For users who are using proxy URLs and branding settings, stay tuned for more information about your migration.

If you have any questions, we’re here to help, so don't hesitate to let us know how the experience is going for you.