Viewing the status of your SMS messages

View the sent and delivered status your SMS messages.

About this task

The available statuses that are displayed in SMS Campaign Manager are found in the following table.

  • The timestamp presented is not necessarily an actual Sent or Delivered time. In the case of Sent status, the system shows the date/time when the SMS Campaign Manager processed the acknowledgment receipt from the SMS gateway that a send was done. This date/time could potentially be delayed in case of heavy traffic payload on the SMS Campaign Manager. The key note is that the actual message was sent in a timely manner by the SMS Gateway.
  • In the case of Delivered status, the date/time shown is when the SMS Campaign Manager processed the delivery receipt (and not when the message was delivered by the mobile carrier). This date/time could be potentially be delayed in case of heavy traffic payload on SMS Campaign Manager.
Status Definition
Sent The outgoing SMS was successfully handed to the final destination carrier's SMS Gateway (in case of direct connection) or to the downstream SMS Gateway (in case of indirect connection to the final destination carrier).
Delivered The outgoing SMS was successfully delivered to the intended recipient. This is an acknowledgement sent by the final destination carrier.
Error There were a connection failure to a carrier (in case of direct connection) or to the downstream SMS Gateway (in case of indirect connection); OR the downstream SMS Gateway flagged a mobile number as invalid, etc. Anything that happens en route to a carrier that causes failure will get an error.
Undelivered The outgoing SMS failed and was not sent to the final destination carrier (in case of direct connection) or to the downstream SMS Gateway (in case of indirect connection to the final destination carrier).
Received For incoming MO SMS messages only. The SMS Campaign Manager received MO SMS from the recipient.
Processing For incoming MO SMS messages only. The SMS Campaign Manager received MO SMS from the recipient. This status is only seen briefly in times of high volumes of large SMS received messages.