Integrating WeatherFX with Unica Campaign

You can integrate WeatherFX® with Unica Campaign so that you can pull weather events into your marketing campaigns. Unica Campaign version 9 and version 10 users can integrate with WeatherFX by using the UBX toolkit.

Before you begin

To integrate WeatherFX with Unica Campaign, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must have Unica Campaign installed.
  • You must have UBX Toolkit version 1.3.
  • You must be provisioned for WeatherFX and for Acoustic Exchange.
  • You must have an authentication code that you use when you configure WeatherFX as a publisher in Acoustic Exchange.

About this task

WeatherFX publishes weather events to Acoustic Exchange. By using the UBX toolkit, Unica Campaign imports those events and stores the data in a table. In Unica Campaign, you can build your flowcharts to include the data in the weather events table.

For example, you can create a marketing campaign that sends email to people in a postal code where excessive snow is forecast for three days from today.

Diagram showing flow of data as it travels from WeatherFX to UBX, the UBX Toolkit, And finally to IBM Campaign.

Work with your sales personnel to select the WeatherFX triggers that you want to use in your marketing campaigns.

To pull weather events into your marketing campaigns, complete the following tasks.