Dynamic content

Use dynamic content in your emails to reflect stored preferences of the clients you reach.

Term Definition
Content block The area in a email template that is populated with dynamic content. Place content blocks throughout your email as needed.
Content Content is the text, image, or other HTML output shown to the contact within a content block. You can replace the text, images, or HTML with whatever suits your needs.
A ruleset is a named grouping of rules that are used to define the content you include in content blocks. The ruleset must have at least one rule in addition to the default rule. For example, you might have the following rules that make a ruleset for the header:
  • Default rule: Show All Flowers image.
  • Rule 1: If favorite flower display is 'potted', show the wild orchid potted plant image.
  • Rule 2: If favorite flower display is 'bouquet', show the lily bouquet image.
Your database can have as many rulesets as you want but each ruleset must have a unique name. Rulesets can contain:
  • Criteria for selection or comparison of contact information
  • Content to display if rules are met
  • Default content to display if rules are not met
  • Personalization to display in the content area
Rule A rule is a subset of a ruleset. Individual, conditional IF...THEN = CONTENT statements that determine which content is dynamically placed in the message. For example, a rule might be:

IF state = NY, THEN show New York content.

Default rule The default rule defines that content that will be used if none of the other rules are met.