What are the database field definitions and limitations?

This is a list of all the database fields that are not system generated and what each field's value limitations are. The maximum number of fields or columns you can have in a database is 400. This includes system generated fields. It is a best practice recommendation to have less than 220 custom columns.

Field Names can only be a max of 255 characters.

Database field Definition and limitations

Should allow any alphanumeric or special character as a value.

The backslash character is not supported unless escaped with another backslash. If you want to import this value in a text field: back\slash, you should import the value: back\\slash.

Note: If you are setting a default value for a text field, Acoustic Campaign only allows up to 255 characters. Otherwise a text field will accept up to 4000 characters .
Yes/No Yes/No answers recommended.
Numeric Accepts only numbers. Max of 255 numbers can be used for values.

The Acoustic Campaign system currently accept the following date formats:

Month First - MM/DD/YYYY: Example 01/01/2020 - (January 1, 2020)

Day First - DD/MM/YYYY: Example 31/01/2020 - (31 January 2020)

Year First - YYYY/MM/DD: Example 2020/01/01 - (2020 January 1st)

Keep in mind that Acoustic Campaign will only display the format as mm/dd/yyyy.

Time Accepts 12h or 24hr format with seconds (hh:mm:ss)
Country Set list of countries to choose.

Accepts all characters. Can accept a max length of 100 characters for the value.

Segmenting See the "Segmentation" article for more information.
Phone Number The phone number field type in Acoustic Campaign does not require numeric character values. Alphabet and punctuation are allowed.
Timestamp Allows date and time in format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
Send Hour Specifies the best time to email this particular contact based on when they generally open emails.

A zero in the Send Hour field indicates that the contact will receive the mailing immediately. This value can be present for the following reasons:

  1. The contact is newly added to the list.
  2. The contact has not yet taken an action on an email that allows Acoustic Campaign to build behavioral patterns for that contact.
Sync ID


If your business case requires it, you can use the Sync ID to associate your Relational Tables with your CRM Relational Tables.