How do I implement location-based mobile app messaging?

Marketers implement location-based mobile app messaging in Acoustic Campaign (WCA) by adding location Universal Behavior (UB) events to queries and programs.

Marketers can build queries that segment contacts based on location Universal Behavior (UB) events. Marketers can also add contacts to programs that use location data. Location Universal Behaviors can be used to send targeted mobile app messages when a user interacts with a location of interest.

  • Exit and dwell events are disabled for all organizations, by default. You can have location events enabled one at a time and only after each subsequent event has obtained explicit approval. For details, contact IBM® Support.
  • Be aware that programs and the query builder display all location events, regardless if events are enabled or disabled.
Add a geofence (enter, exit, or dwell) Universal Behavior with the following configuration to configure location universal behavior events for personal sites:
  • For personal home location events, use Site Id is equal to site - Home.
  • For personal work location events, use Site Id is equal to site - Work.