Creating a program

Build multi-channel programs with multiple path decisioning, percentage splits, and mobile app message frequency control capabilities in the programs canvas.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Programs > Create new program.
  2. Click a blueprint card on the Create a Program page to build a program based on the selected template. When a blueprint card is selected, a program is generated with a default program name. The program canvas is where you create and update your flow. You can drag Steps, Decisions, Percent Splits, Update Profile actions, and Exits onto the canvas.
  3. Name your program.
    Note: Only letters, numbers, spaces, and the following characters are allowed: # ( ) _ ' . - in the name of your program.
  4. Click Define (the entry point) to configure the parameters of your program.
  5. Select a database or query as the contact source for your program. A contact source is required to activate a program, associate emails with your program, and route contacts.
    • The database you select must be in the Shared area. Accessible folder restrictions limit what database a user sees. Locked queries and queries with profile, behavioral, and Relational Table criteria are supported. Queries cannot include Universal Behavior (UB) criteria, Child Relational Table (CRT) criteria, or in-queries at this time. Use of queries that contain CRT criteria within the flow is supported.
  6. Click Save and Edit Flow to return to the program.
    Note: After Save and Edit Flow is clicked, your database cannot be changed. You can change to a different query as long as it is associated to the same parent database.
  7. Add the email to the steps within the program.
  8. Set up your program and click Apply.
  9. Configure your emails.
  10. Test the program.
  11. Activate the program.